Monday, March 20, 2023

How's that Global Warming Coming Along?

Here we are in the middle of March, almost to April, and it is 14 degrees outside. Instead of being able to start their gardens, people in a lot of places are shoveling snow. Look at the major blizzard that California experienced (Arizona too) last week. It is unbelievable.

Of course, all of our weather is heavily manipulated these days. It's hard to tell what are actual real weather patterns, if there is even such a thing anymore.

Have you seen the movie Snowpeircer? It is definitely well worth a watch. The premise is – in order to combat global warming – they sprayed the sky with chemicals and caused a mini ice age instead. Predictive Programming? There is also a TV series by the same name which was pretty good as well, although I was only able to watch the first three seasons.

I'm sure I will be bitching again when we are having those 95 degree days in a couple of months, but for now – I'm just hoping my pipes don't freeze.

I was very thankful on Friday that I was able to get paid, take out some cash and buy groceries. Not sure how long I will be able to do that before it all comes tumbling down. But I'm not a doom and gloomer. (LOL)

Stay warm. Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Damn, you are not a Doom and Gloomer! Who will I have now to commiserate? Who will I have to share my misery at the sky and world is falling down? Surely, not Michael Douglas....

A reader up in Alaska I talked with would say the sky would be criss crossed with contrails that would not dissipate, then a few days later heavy snow or torrential rains. Empirical evidence suggests to me {They} are manipulating the weather, to what end, global freeze. You have to have the sun cooperate, whereas clouds and temperature drops are more easily manufactured.

wendyworn said...

yeah I've seen those criss crosses here too.