Monday, March 13, 2023

If You Like Your Money, You Can Keep Your Money

It's still early yet, so we shall see what today has in store for us.

The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World took the time to do a deep look at the Silicon Valley Bank's website to document the wokeness.

Lulz from the SVB Website

Which is good because now their website, their Twitter account and You-Tube channels have all been taken down.

Silicon Valley Bank Deletes Twitter,YouTube Videos, And Scrubs Website

Janet Yellen assures us that “it's OK, we are going to make sure everything will be OK.” She didn't actually say those exact words, I just put them in quotes because she might as well have said it.

Systemic Risk Exception


The Fed Just Blinked

Yellen Initiates Magic MoneyPrinter Solution for Banking Crisis After FDIC Shuts Down AnotherBank Sunday

I'm not particularly worried about my personal bank account, since I only have fifteen dollars in checking until I get paid on Friday. A lot can happen between now and then. We know this is a planned, controlled demolition and it had to start somewhere. This is one of the things we have been prepping and preparing for, among other things.

What is going to happen in the world is going to happen regardless of how I may feel about it.

My battle plan is as follows:

Trust God.

Continue to pray, plan and prep for all contingencies.

Remain Calm.

Take care out there.


wendyworn said...

I know. That is the really scary thought.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Not to Worreeee! Taxpayers are not going to have to pony up to bail out the banks that have failed. OTHER banks will be forced to do That. And those Other banks will Not jack up costs and pass the pain on to the people who are their customers. Who are obviously Not the Taxpayers,, Jayzuss H KerrIst!
I guess they figure enough people are stupid enough to believe what they are told to just lie some more and watch the idiots defend the lying government while we,the NonIdiots TRY to explain what is happening.

Cederq said...

Phil just put up a post with Cliff High about the coming collapse, May, hyperinflation, government collapse and it all swirling down the toilet. Be ready,be safe indeed!

wendyworn said...

I'll go over and listen. thanks cederq.