Thursday, March 2, 2023

No Safe Spaces Part Two: Canceled

During the course of my daily perusing of the news, I came across this headline by way of the Daily Stormer (Whatever you may think of Andrew Anglin – the guy is hilarious!):

Two Vermont state troopers on paid leave during investigation into remarks made in online game

I wrote about this kind of thing before. To be honest, I actually thought at first that maybe this story could be fake. Oh no. It is far worse than that.

The officers in question were playing a (completely retarded looking game) called Mad Verse City. It is a rapping competition with robots where you fill in the blanks like the old Mad Libs game and then the robots turn it into rhymes and you win by how well received it is by the audience.

Apparently state senator of Vermont, Nasir Hashim received an email concerning the situation, which started the investigation.

The Bennington Banner has the information on the email:

“Hello Senator Hashim, I need to speak with someone about a non-violent but alarming incident that occurred recently among off-duty Vermont state troopers,” states the message Hashim received. Hashim later received another email with more details of the incident.

During a social evening with troopers and their wives, the source said they were playing an online game, Mad Verse City, during which the term “NAPA” was allegedly used by troopers in relation to the image of a “black urban person.”

“After multiple uses of this phrase, [the source] asked what it was and why it was funny,” reads the email. “They were surprised [the source] didn’t know and then explained it stands for ‘NORTH AMERICAN PAVEMENT APE.’ To say [the source] was upset is an understatement.”

The email states the group of troopers is the day shift group, which the source “does not normally align with politically ...” but nonetheless the source did not expect such behavior from Vermont State Troopers.

...Trooper Nathan Jensen, who the source said goes by the screen name Lil Cumdrop, allegedly wrote “If being racist is right, then I’ll never be wrong.”

“It is my hope [Trooper] Jensen and his role in the department receive appropriate scrutiny,” states the email to Hashim”

Wow. Just Wow. So you are hanging out with a group of people and they say something slightly offensive and you what? Write your frikken state senator and try to destroy their lives?

Let this be a lesson to all you gamers out there. Don't let easily offended Karen's hang out with you while playing online games. Or any other times for that matter.

The fact that they are taking this situation so seriously just shows the level of bizarro world we now live in. Good Grief.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

It is not funny, what they do off duty is their business as long as it doesn't directly effect their on duty performance or demeanor. What happened to freedom of speech? Just some shitlib karen getting his/her rocks off and being worse then a snitch.

Cederq said...

Oh, and senator hashim, why on God's green acre would they allow a non NATIVE BORN US Citizen to run for any elective political post is beyond my comprehension. This is how they conquer a nation, slowly and methodically, without going to war. Let me tell ya, that is gonna change real soon...

wendyworn said...

I know. It's really ridiculous.

wendyworn said...

I agree about sen hashim.

wendyworn said...

smart. I never was one for outside of work social gatherings either. mostly because - I don't like you at work why would I want to get with you socially!

I feel sorry for the two troopers - they both look very young.

also - if this is just an "internal investigation" why is it plastered all over the news? smells like a targeted witch hunt

wendyworn said...
