Thursday, March 16, 2023


I wanted to look into the history of St. Patrick's Day. I typed a bunch of questions into Duck Duck Go and I noticed that only “official” websites like and the History Channel came up in the search. It reminded me that they are still actively censoring the internet and most history that we know about is all lies and bullshit anyway. I got pissed and didn't care anymore.

I've heard rumors that the 4th horseman of the apocalypse (Death) is not riding a pale horse but a green one. I think people forget that Hell follows after him. I guess Hell doesn't need a horse.

Our fake money is green. What does that tell you?

You can literally trace a good portion of what is wrong with this country and it's subsequent downfall to the Green agenda. Sigh.

I guess the bottom line is: Green sucks.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

I am a Protestant Irishman, so Orange is my color, green is Catholic, St Paddys day? A Catholic Hallmark holiday... I always wear orange on this day, pisses off those that know the difference.

wendyworn said...

I did read about orange on st patrick's day in my limited time researching. I won't be wearing green or orange since I don't have to leave the house. LOL

bob said...

Everyone has a day......... of reckoning before GOD!
This rotten bag of Oatmeal in the White House can't have his fast enough for me.

wendyworn said...

agreed bob!