Friday, May 26, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend

I had my monthly one-on-one with my boss yesterday. Despite all my computer issues last month, all my production numbers were exceptionally high. I had 100% on my quality – which means for an entire month I made zero mistakes. Yeah me! My boss would like me to take some additional training so that they can promote me to Care Coordinator II. It sounds nice and I'm sure that it pays more – but it would also mean I would have to be on the phones and I'm not really sure I want to be. The bots monitor your phone calls and could literally ding you on your tone of voice. Lol – no body wants to hear my tone since it is highly sarcastic most of the time. We shall see what happens there.

The Burning Platform is down, and despite what people may think – they weren't nuked by the government. Just internal issues. The Toll Online has the story here.

I have a 3 day weekend so I will probably just post some music on Sunday and take the rest of the time off. Baring some news item that requires my commentary I will not be back until Wednesday because my husbands birthday is Tuesday.

Get some rest and keep prepping and praying.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Congrats and a shoulder pat to ya Wendy(L)! Will the promotion also require you to log more time on the 'puter? Sarcastic tone....Hmmm, Are you a brassy red head too? Those are my type of gals... I enjoy being around women that can assert themselves and use a professional level of sarcasm. Amateurs only hurt themselves. So a birthday cake and hats and confetti and a rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday" is in order for Tuesday, I wish your hubby a happy birthday!

wendyworn said...

LOL! Thanks - I'm a brunette - but it is mostly silver now a days.

Cederq said...

Silver has a quality all it's own...

wendyworn said...

that it does... have a great weekend cederq!