Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday Music: Tribute to Old Ladies

In the past I have always liked driving. It always helped me relax. Now when I drive into town, I find that my hands get cramped and I realize that I am clutching the steering wheel too tightly and have to relax my grip. I think I am becoming an actual old lady driver. I tried to find old lady driving songs on you-tube and couldn't come up with anything good. Here is the next best thing. 




Cederq said...

Wendy(L) that song parody sums it up eloquently! Men have it too, just not as badly and lasting as you fine women have to endure. It is funny that women's tortures all have "men" in them... Menses, Menstruating, Menopause...

wendyworn said...

i never noticed that before! lol