Monday, January 29, 2024

Best News so Far

Biden, Abbott To Face Off In Wheelchair Joust To The Death

That really is how this latest situation down at the border should be handled. Old school style. Alas, it is satire from the Babylon Bee. I really do feel sorry for those guys over at the Bee. It must be difficult coming up with satirical headlines when the real headlines are so over the top bizarre.

Has anyone heard confirmations that National Guardsmen from other states are being deployed down to Texas? It's one thing for the states in this scripted reality to say they are sending them, it's another thing for actual men and women being given orders to be stationed there. Just curious.

Keeping an eye on things. Curious to see how this thing plays out. There are some theories out there that the evil overlords are trying to herd conservatives into red states and liberals into blue states when all is said and done. Well, that looks good on paper but who can afford to move these days? It takes a hell of a lot of money to just up and move to another state. I think most people will just shelter in place and the ones that might have moved for those reasons have already done so. Maybe they will throw some incentives out there to sweeten the pot. I don't know.

Anyway, take care out there.


Anonymous said...

Or the feds just declare the states who signed the letter to be in rebellion and refuse to seat their reps or count their votes for president.


wendyworn said...

Totally possible exile

Justin_O_Guy said...

It's a47 acre park. It's nothing, as far as its importance in the number of illegal aliens can get into Texas every day. It's a
What's all the Hubbub about, Bub? kinda situation.. And why did it take so long, Abbott?

Maybe you aren't in the wrong Abilene, after all.

wendyworn said...

well Justin, our original plan was Texas but the Lord diverted us here to Kansas. I'm thinking there was a pretty good reason for it. I wouldn't want to be in texas at the moment.

Cederq said...

I wouldn't want to be in Kansas either... You do have your ruby red shoes right? Where is Toto? I spent a whole week there one afternoon. A perfect place to shoot the movie Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze

I was looking into buying a 5X8 cargo trailer. When I bought one in South Dakota in 2019 I paid $1100 bucks for it new. I made a mistake buy selling it. I went looking for the same trailer, same manufacture and the price now is just north of $3300 smackers. I am now looking at good/used and expect to pay $2000 or so, just to move my small apartment accruements and was going to pull behind my travel trailer like I did before. I pay have to just stuff the truck and trailer with the bare minimum and go find furniture once I get there. Or, get rid of every thing and just live in my trailer again. I did that for almost nine years.

I certainly would not go to Texas or anyplace to fight, hell we got enough around here to keep a division busy. When you travel like that, you have no back up or knowledge of the AO and that will get you into trouble.

wendyworn said...

not to mention the obvious set-up.

everything is going up in price these days. people are always giving free furniture away - that might be the best way to go.

Cederq said...

It is 11:03 my time, are you awake? If you are go back to sleep!

wendyworn said...

nope i was snoring at that time

Cederq said...

Do you snore loudly like a freight train just starting to pull a consist?

wendyworn said...

well, I've never actually heard myself snore so I don't know...