Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Kansas City Chiefs- Updated

While in the laundry room yesterday, a neighbor excitedly told me the Kansas City Chiefs were going to the Superbowl. Lol. Of course they are. You don't have a season long televised bromance starring Taylor Swift and Pfizer representative and Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce without them going to the Superbowl.

The NFL and the Superbowl are entirely rigged and scripted. I first saw it years ago when I was a Seahawks fan and Marshawn Lynch threw the Superbowl game at the last minute. It has gotten so much more obvious these days. Instead of trying to deny it, they are just coming out and admitting it:

Did liberals put Taylor Swift and pro-vaccine Travis Kelce in the Super Bowl? Yes, we did.

Now I know that article is meant to be sarcastic, I just think it is highly ironic, cause that is exactly what is going on here. I did post this link on Friday, but the Good Citizen had an excellent breakdown on the couple here

Two Hearts That Bleat As One

I wouldn't be surprised if ol Travis Kelce either asks Taylor to marry him or breaks up with her during half-time. I mean, there has got to be some sort of season finale in the works. Not that I'll watch it to find out. I'm sure someone, somewhere will post the results. Most likely the Chiefs will win, but who knows if there won't be a surprise ending.

Take care out there. 

Updated to add this great link from Noah over at WLT Report

Super Bowl Rigged, Involves Taylor Swift? Vivek’s Comment Has Entire Media Complex Attacking Him

I actually like Vivek. I was kinda sorry to see him go.


Anonymous said...

Everything the media pushes is fake and toxic. Its ok the vast majority of them are dead men walking and just dont know it.

Lenin called them useful idiots, when the far left is done with their services they will libe them up for a dirt nap as they will have become a liability.


wendyworn said...

so true exile

Cederq said...

Sorry, I can not make a cognizant argument for or against, I simply do not watch sporty balls of any stripe, color or shape. I was a baseball fan until it too became too intolerable to watch or listen to. Funny because I was wrestler in JR, SR, and college and played baseball and softball in JR and Sr high. Wasn't into football so I didn't play much to the chagrined football coaches, I was a big farm boy... I also don't place myself into matters of fixed drama and what libs and weirdos do or say. Yes, I am wholly intolerant to drama and their machinations.

Eraser said...

Kelce is about to find out what a tool bag he has been. He's like a dead battery; he can be recycled, but he'll never be the same.

wendyworn said...

Just hoping it isn't a sum of all fears/dark knight rises scenario

Justin_O_Guy said...

The NFL, rightly,suffered Yuge losses in viewers. I was down to maybe watching the last half of a game if it was looking interesting, then the Knee thing, and I was done. I guess the teenage girls are tuning in for a chance to see her. The story about the romance being a PR stunt doesn't sound far fetched. Can't trust anything to be As Advertised anymore. How convenient some losses are. The only list I'm Not on is the list of people who aren't on some kind of bad guy list. The crowd I'm a part of is the people who are not involved or concerned with the things people gab about and talk statistics and probabilities for Going all the way.
Somehow I'm more interested in the stuff that is really happening and has real consequences in all of our lives.