Monday, January 8, 2024

Peggy Knows

As most of you know, there was another school shooting recently, this time in Iowa. Peggy Hall over at the Healthy American substack, did an excellent decode. It was a live stream and she does sort of ramble in parts, but you really should watch the whole thing, especially if you are new to decoding these events.

One thing she points out is that our buddy Vivek Rama Swamy just happened to be in Perry, Iowa on that exact day. Hhmmm.

At the 21 min mark, she points out the colors of the clothing some of these people are wearing, pink and turquoise. She finds the colors odd, but doesn't tie it back to this:

Yeah, the shooter was a tranny as well. Interesting.

Peggy has more on her Substack

STRANGE THINGS About PERRY, IOWA SHOOTING that No One is Talking About!

Take care out there my friends.


Don't mind me. said...

Ramasmarmy is a deep state shill, WEF young leader grad, and Soros funded.
There is no candidate that isn't compromised bigly. Not that there will be an election anyway; I'm leaning towards martial law due to global war (hey, that ryhmes).

And trannies are just fags that want more attention and the "usual suspects" don't want to show fags in a bad light, even though they're just as mentally ill.

wendyworn said...


Cederq said...

I am Don't bind me's parrot, I believe in the same thing and it is going to pot soon and not the smoking kind... can you use ditch weed as a relish?

wendyworn said...

not sure cederq

Tree Mike said...

Tail end Charley here, I agree with Don't and Cederq. It's all orchestrated, performance art from the usual suspects. They're sure they can traumatize/numb us into inaction and compliance. They're just making their karmic payback that much worse, they think they're exempt.