Thursday, January 11, 2024

God is Good, Always

It warmed up significantly yesterday. My hot water returned and I was able to take a nice hot shower. I find it ironic that I was telling a friend on the phone recently that I was taking a shower a couple weeks ago and was thanking the Lord for the ability to have a hot shower. I thought about that when I had no hot water, and not sure yet when I would have it again. You can bet I was totally praising the Lord yesterday when I could again have a nice hot shower. Don't take these things for granted.

I was able to drive into town, and on the way, I was again thanking the Lord for thwarting the enemies weather warfare, at least for the day. I could see a distinct line between blue skies and dark clouds. I know this particular cold front is not over, with more coming in the next week, but I looked at it as a victory.

My little sister (whom I love and is my favorite person in the whole wide world) sent me two packages that I was able to pick up from the Post Office. You would not believe how many tiny treasures she can pack into these boxes. She tells me the story that when she finished filling one box, she still had things she wanted to send and the Lord told her, “send two boxes.” Which she did. Again, the Lord is so good.

I wrote a list of what she sent and it filled 2 and a half pages in my little notebook. Included were a small stainless steel saucepan and a tiny egg pan. Just perfect for my fried egg sandwich in the mornings. An extremely warm and cozy sweatpant and sweatshirt set that fit me perfectly! Various cans and packages of organic foods including organic sweetened condensed milk and some packages of lentil soup. She sent a tiny crystal candle holder and a huge box of tea lights. Plus some grocery money.

My husband and I were oohing and aahing for an hour as we discovered new gifts. He claimed the organic cheese balls while I called the organic crackers that are similar to Ritz with out the genetic modification. There are just too many items to list them all, but they were all awesome, and appreciated.

Oh, and I can't forget. She sent this little bottle of Oregon Rain Moisturizing Lotion (made with real Oregon rain). It was my mother's favorite and not only did it make my hands feel so soft and wonderful, but the scent reminded me of Mom. It was very special.

So it ended up being a fantastic day, which I was very thankful for.

I did listen to an interview between Mike Adams and Dane Wigington concerning this weather warfare situation we find ourselves in.

Dane Wigington From GeoEngineering & Mike Adams Issue URGENT WARNING For The Survival Of The Human Race!! - Must Video

Please remember that Dane is a gatekeeper. He insists on talking about the depletion of the ozone (way old school psyop) and that climate change is real and it's our fault. It's really too bad about him. He's a douche, but his information is valid.

Continue to pray against this coming weather attack my friends. God is able to defeat our enemies.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Funny how if the new thing is not getting a toe hold, they always seem to have an acid flashback to Ozone! or H2O drying up, or no more fossil fuels in 10 years or even worse, No More Hot Water Heaters in 10 years... just joking. If the damn .gov and ngos would stop screwing around with the weather like that has been proven! We have had these weather patterns for eons and yes winters are getting colder, we are at a start of a normal cooling pattern adjacent to an Ice Age. Better know how to subdue a saber tooth tiger... or bring down a woolly mammoth.

You are right in your assertion that it is a massive psych-op, and gate keepers and managed opposition talking heads have been activated. Most that can make a difference don't listen to them, ignore and refute them.

georgina said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Cederq said...

georgina, your profile states you are a male, parents didn't know what to call you or you are scammer with the jarkarta links, jarkarta, Indonesia?

wendyworn said...

sorry georgina, I deleted your comment due to the links you posted. if you would like to comment without the links I will post it. Just being on the safe side.