Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Late Post

This post is late. Partly because I had a job interview and this recent change in barometric pressure has wrought absolute hell on my wiry gray old lady hair. Also had to pluck the hairs on my chiny chin chin and what not.

The interview went really well considering I was stressed out about the fact that I didn't have a Kansas driver's license and they said to bring my license with me. I pictured myself getting a big fat ticket for failure to get my license within 30 days or worse, arrested and hauled off to the big house.

After my interview, when she asked for my license so she could make a copy of it, I said, “It is my Oregon license.” She laughed and replied that only about 3 people out of 8 in the office had Kansas driver's licenses. Huh. That'll teach me to worry unnecessarily.

Anyway, let's hope I get this job. It helps that she has two openings she is hiring for.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I still have my South Dakota license and tags my my truck and trailer. In fact I just renewed my tags on the vehicles and I have been here over a year and a half and I lived in Idaho over over two years and never changed my plates or DL. All I do is call the county treasures office and order my tags and there is a 5 dollar charge to send them in the mail. Hell of lot faster and easier then going to a DMV and have to deal with a surly clerk.

wendyworn said...

im glad it didn't matter. civil disobedience is hard. Lol

Cederq said...

So, did your your hair frizz out to an afro? That oughta look cool! May help you secure a job, just tell you identify as black now and you have the afro to prove it! I don't have a frizzy problem, I keep it 1/8th of inch tall. Easy to wash my hair, just use a washcloth. I finally cut down my goat. I had grown it out about 8 inches and I was catching it in everything and it was getting old man scraggly and a pain to keep it trimmed so wacked it back to 1 inch.

I hope ya get the job, at least get over the hump and get some priority established and better transportation and living accommodations so you won't freeze or lose water.

wendyworn said...

i hope i get it too

Deathray said...

You’re worried about an interview and frizzy hair?
When I didn’t see a post from you this morning I spent the whole day worrying about you.
Not fair.
I always worry about the day Cederq has a bad hair day. I’m just going to hide under the covers when it comes.

wendyworn said...

i'm sorry you worried deathray. that is why I put a post up, cause I knew people would be concerned if I didn't. better late than never. cederq has taken great pains to prevent his own bad hair days so I think we are safe.

clayusmcret said...

Good luck!!