Wednesday, January 3, 2024


Over the holidays, I had a moment or two, where I got kind of homesick. My little sister called me to tell me that everyone had a great time on Christmas eve and I was actually sorry I missed it. I also began to think that if something actually does happen, and my husband takes a serious turn for the worse, I literally don't know anyone in Kansas and have no family here.

I realized that I might want to start getting to know some of the locals. I tend to keep to myself for the most part and making friends is not easy for me. I've been told that I'm... well....abrasive. (Lol. Oh well. It is what it is.)

When the manager of the park stopped by New Year's eve to personally invite us to come down and have burgers on New Year's Day I decided that this time I would go. I've been invited to things before, but have usually avoided them.

I'm normally always early, so to compensate, I showed up 15 minutes after it was set to start and was one of the first ones there. A woman who had recently moved to the park joined me at my table and we hit it off right away. We talked about the youknowflu and the crazy that ensued. We lamented the mutual destruction of our respective cities, her in Minneapolis and me in Portland. It was very refreshing. Before I left, I invited her to come the next night to Bunco (the manager lady had invited me to it when I first arrived.) She said she would come.

Last night, I walked down and played Bunco for the first time in my life. In preparation I watched this video:

After watching the video, I was rethinking the decision, because frankly, it looked really dumb and confusing. But the reality was actually a lot of fun and my new friend showed up. We both got prizes for being first-time players. A nice ceramic coffee cup with a picture of a trailer and the words, “let the adventure begin” on it.

I think it is really just an opportunity for the local grandma's to get out of the house and drink some margarita's in a can. I just had water but my husband actually smelled my breath when I got home! I hope he enjoyed that whiff of garlic chex mix I had been snacking on.

I was really glad I went to these things. It's giving me a chance to break out of my shell and get to know real life people. All of my friends are on line. It's good for me to get out once in a while.

Take care out there.


wendyworn said...

That's what I'm thinking as well eraser.

Cederq said...

Good for you! That is healthy and satisfying for human interaction. Now I will get off my behavioral box and not be a geek...

I too have let my guard down over the last few months. Living by yourself with no family around and no close friends you tend to have shields like Eraser stated at full and demanding Scotty to amp 'em up to 20% more just for giggles. When I traveled I was very cautious about been more social then a hi good morning kind of thing. You didn't know them and there are shady characters out there!

You abrasive? That is your charm! I tend to like and get along better with brassy women. I like the honesty and upfrontedness(new word I invented) than women or people in general being passive aggressive and gossiping or crapping me behind my back.

Justin_O_Guy said...

I've been told that I'm... well....abrasive. (Lol. Oh well. It is what it is.)

Well, people who have Seen behind the Curtain and know WTF is going on Are abrasive for the ones who don't know. Besides, if you Fit In, you'd just be another One of Them,, I Know exactly what it feels like to Not fit, and when I was younger I would have given a lot to fit in. Not anymore.
The difference between loneliness and privacy is simply a matter of who shuts the door.
Frankly, M'dear, they don't deserve you.

Tree Mike said...

Good for you to initiate operation Meat/Meet Space. Without actual interactions, some part of the mind atrophies. We need the back and forth for sharpening our social, barter, net working, survival skills. Again, good on you for getting out.