Wednesday, April 18, 2012
All my secret sins...
You will really hate me when I tell you what I have been doing lately. I've been catching up on watching all the Harry Potter movies I denied myself the last couple years due to the fact that Harry Potter is of the debil. I'm watching the Deathly Hallows part 1 and as soon as I can - possibly ppv this weekend, I will watch the Deathly Hallows part 2. I already read all the books - and loved them AND let my kids read them, so I believe the damage has already been done at some level. I'd do it all again, because I feel no guilt about it whatsoever. It may actually be the only books my son has ever read because he hates to read.
lots of love my friends!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
These aren't the droids you are looking for...
I'm sorry to continue with the Jedi speak but I can't really say what I really want to say. Everything is doubleplus ungood - and those of you who know what I am talking about will understand.
I wanted to have the title of this post be: I am the house of God. which is true - whether my feelings line up with the truth or not.
here are some amazing posts I have read today - when I wasnt' amazed at the position I am in, that I can't say of course:
I wish I really knew this guy personally. He is saying what I wish I had the words to say.
God is in control - and everything you are going through - is what you need to go through, even if you do not understand. Trust in the Lord.
lots of love my friends - I wish I knew enough to explain it to you, but the holy spirit will have to explain it to you - cuz i don't know
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
My Need for a Jedi Master
photo credit
My mother was released from the hospital on Monday and is recovering well. It was very good that I was here to help her as she re-acclimates to life after surgery.
Tonight my sister and I spent the evening together catching up on old times and shopping. Now that the worst is over and we know that my mom is going to be all right, everyone wants to visit with me before I go home to Wyoming.
My sister and I went to Goodwill and I was in the book section looking for low-carb cookbooks. I was walking past the religious section and decided to see what was there - just in case something piqued my interest. I found a book with the name, "Christian Wisdom of the Jedi Masters" by Dick Staub. At first I laughed at the concept, but as I looked through the pages, I thought to myself - (in an almost guilty, if you were still a legalist you would think this book was blasphemy, sort of way,) I'm going to buy this book.
I started to read it when I got home and I am amazed at the sound spiritual truths presented in the book. If you get a chance to read this book, I highly recommend it - or at least the first 31 pages because that is as far as I have gotten. It inspires me to get back to the spiritual journey, to know that where I am - even now - is where God wants me to be - but to be the best Jedi I can be in those circumstances. As in, "Do. Or do not. There is no try."
I already know that where I am, is where the Lord wants me to be because that has been proven time and again. But now I understand that I need to embrace it - that in whatever circumstance I happen to be - I know how to abase and I know how to abound. Shall I argue with God if he wants me to have a high-paying corporate job? We are so use to the idea that we all need to be in poverty to be spiritual - we forget that Abraham and Jacob and Job were all wealthy men. I have been in poverty - and now the Lord has given me back all the things I was willing to give up in order to seek Him.
The true point is - the seeking of the Lord never ends. His ways are past finding out but that does not mean that we give up on seeking Him. Obi-Wan did not stop being a Jedi Master just because he spent all those years staying in the desert. I may not have blog posts every day with great spiritual insight, but that is because I have real relationships outside of the computer where I am living the spiritual truths I learned on my wilderness journey.
The children of Isreal were first in Egypt, then in the wilderness, then in the Promised land and then carried away into Babylon. When they were in Babylon, the Lord said, "build houses and plant vineyards and get married" etc. Every one of those seasons had a purpose, and those things were written for our learning. The different seasons in our lives, the different circumstances we find ourselves in - all serve a purpose. All things work together for good.
Even so. I really could use a Yoda. A Jedi Master who will make sure that I understand the spiritual truths that I need to understand. Speaking of which - there is a spiritual weekend coming up - with the Jedi Masters of my generation. I am hoping and praying that I can go to the upcoming Scripture Conference:
Grace and peace!This year's Sacramento Scripture Conference is August 3rd, 4th & 5th.
Location:Holiday Inn Express
2224 Auburn Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95821
Enter group code "SSC" for a discounted hotel room.
Speakers: Dan Sheridan, Martin Zender, Clyde Pilkington, and Tony Nungesser
Friday night, August 3rd: There will be a dinner at the home of Charles Rutsch.
The address is:
6737 Steele Oak Ln,
Carmichael, CA 95608.
Phone number is (916) 515-9355.
This is open to all who wish to attend.
Saturday, August 4th: The conference begins in the hotel at 9am and ends at 9pm with breaks for lunch and dinner.
Sunday, August 5th: The conference resumes at 9am and ends at 6pm.
Do you have any questions about the Bible? There will be time to address your questions to the speakers. You can email your questions to or ask your questions at the conference.
Conference Themes: The speakers have been asked to prepare one talk on each of these two themes:
1) Jesus Christ-Who is He? His purpose, relation to His Father and to us, etc.
2) Prophecy- What is our hope and expectation? What will happen in the future on earth and in heaven?
If you have any questions you can contact Charles Rutsch at (916) 515-9355.
Or you can contact Darron Haworth at (916) 215-6071.
Hope you can attend.
Kelly Stokoe
Starke & Hartmann, Inc.
Please pray that I can go - but if I can't maybe you can.
Lots of love my friends - and may the Force be with you!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Home for Easter
It's been a hell of a week.
Monday, my mother had a heart attack, something she had never experienced before.
Tuesday she called me at work from the ICU to tell me. I said, "should I come home?" but she assured me that she did not think I needed to. A couple hours later I called my father on his cell phone. He told me that she was 99% blocked on one side of her heart and 79% blocked on the other, they were going to need to do bypass surgery. I went in to tell one of my bosses about that and I said, "I think I need to go home." She said, "I think you do too."
God is faithful. I had just recieved $1300 in tax money the week before. My car money. See why I do not believe that it is the Lord's will I have a car? All the times I tried to go see Johnny and all the doors were shut tight. All of a sudden all the doors were open and when I went to buy a plane ticket - I got one for the next day at only half the price that it could have been. All 3 of my bosses were very supportive of me going home to be with my parents and they all asked if I needed anything - including money. They all said they would pray for my mom. Even my one bosses husband offered to take me to the airport the next morning.
Wednesday, I packed and cleaned my house before going to the airport at 5am. The flight was ok for the most part - and excuse me for a moment while I vent, but I was on the aisle seat and one of the stewardess' had a HUGE butt that was constantly rubbing against my arm as she walked down the aisle - which was often. I was all cramped and stressed out by the time I got to Portland. My sister picked me up from the airport and we drove straight to the hospital. When we got there, they had just taken my mom into surgery - so it was going to be 4 or 5 hours before she would be out. All of my sisters were there, and many of my aunts and uncles. My son also managed to come down. The surgery was a huge success. The surgeon came out to tell us that he did a triple bypass and would have done a 4th but the vein was too small for it. He said that everything went really well and mom was doing great. After a while, dad and I were able to go see her. She was still on the ventalator so we did not stay long. They took her off the ventalator later that night.
Thursday & Friday. Mom was getting better and better every time we saw her. She was very happy that my son and I were here, although in a lot of ways, I think we are more here for my father's sake. Then he does not have to come home to an empty house during this time. My mom is doing really well. She is even laughing and joking around a little. They are waiting for a bed and then she will be out of the ICU.
I don't have time to post more. My mom is doing exceptionally well and the worst is over. Will try to post an update soon.
lots of love
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