Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Civil Disobedience and Other Stuff

I've been trying to sit down and write a blog post for several days. I just sit in front of a blank document for several minutes and then sigh and go on to other things.

I was sad to hear about Lou Dobbs passing. I remembered him talking truth before he was canned from FOX. I tried to find you tube videos of his last broadcast. The only ones I could find were over 14 years old or were leftist videos dogging him for being so vocal about the stolen election. Rest in Peace Lou.

While I'm still staying away from the scripted Event, the fact that people are actually wearing ear bandages in solidarity to the new Savior is unbelievable. Tagged like cattle as EnterTheStarz states. Truly sad. How can people who claim to be Christians actually compare 45 to Jesus Christ Himself? That is blasphemy of the highest order. Ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.

How's that Civil Disobedience working out for you? I thought I was oh so clever for not doing anything about my expired Oregon plates. I mean, our country is being taken over by communists! What's a girl to do? That worked out great until I got pulled over by one of the county's finest to get a big fat ticket. Yeah, I needed that stress. I went to my important documents folder where I found a note to self telling me that the VERY important papers (like the title to the car, the RV and my marriage certificate) were in the bug out bag. Hence the reason I had to go through the bug out bag and of course, there were no documents in it. So where they ended up no one knows. Such is the idiot I live with on a daily basis (me). I am my own worst enemy.

So I had to send a check to Oregon to get a replacement title since the sheriff will not do a vin inspection for new plates without a physical title. Oregon cashed that check 3 weeks ago but so far no title has shown up.

Luckily I was able to get emergency temp plates to take to court with me on Thursday. The judge asked me if I was going to hire a lawyer, get a court appointed lawyer or represent myself in this matter. I looked at him and said, “It's a traffic ticket right?” I mean, let's not try and take this too seriously. The prosecutor lady said they would dismiss the charges if I paid the court fees, which I did. $108. That is 108=18=666. But whatever. I have two months to get the title and get things squared away.

My father in law is driving up from Florida for a visit. He will be here sometime today. I have been doing all the spring cleaning I didn't get a chance to do before. Plus, I have cardboard boxes of preps sitting around that all got moved to the bedroom. He doesn't need to see all that clutter. Speaking of preps, be sure to stock up on raw honey. I have been putting honey on my infection on my back and it is almost totally healed. (God's natural remedy. I'll bet raw milk also has healing properties which is why they have all but destroyed it and made it illegal.). I don't think I will even have a scar when it is fully healed. If I'd gone to a doctor I'm sure they would have opted for surgery and I would be going to wound care weekly from now until the end of time. I like God's way better.

So that about catches everyone up. Hope you all are well. Take care out there.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Global Outage

I'm sorry I haven't been able to post the last couple days. I have been seriously busy and even now, don't have time to write a decent post. Here is a good video concerning yesterday's outage. If you have important documents on your computer, you may want to have some hard copies just in case. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


An intermezzo was what happened during acts of a play back in the old, old times. I'm sure they won't just let all that pent up energy from The Event just die out. Why let a good potential crisis go to waste?

As an observer, it still surprises me to this day that, no matter how many red pills a person has taken in the past, it only takes one small situation on the world stage for people to start popping the blue pills again.

So, this intermezzo is brought to you in lieu of a different kind of pill. The Chill Pill.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Didja Get Yourself a T-Shirt?

Now you know that I am not about to step anywhere near the current media and online shitshow that is happening concerning The Event that took place on Saturday. Theories, speculation and opinions (and lots of rabbit holes) abound not including the “official narrative” about what really took place. Anyone who has read my blog should already know what my go-to opinion on anything that happens in our twisted and wicked version of reality. Especially if EVERYONE is talking about it and taking sides one way or another.

That being said, here is one fact that everyone agrees on:

The Event took place around 6:15pm Eastern Standard time.

Approximately 12 hours later, the story below was put up by The Independent. (Hat Tip to Ernest Hancock at Freedom Phoenix for posting the link.)

Trump shooting souvenir T-shirts already on sale after assassination attempt

According to this story, a Chinese company starting selling t-shirts of The Event featuring the “iconic” photo(op) at 8pm Eastern Standard time. Literally less than two hours later. By the time the story was posted, several other t-shirt companies followed suit. Supposedly, over 2000 t-shirts have already been sold.

Does that seem fast to you? Seems like it to me. Anyway, enjoy the show. This will probably be at least a double feature or possibly a mini-series. I prefer red licorice to popcorn myself.

Take care out there.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Kitchen Timers Revisited

When I posted about kitchen timers the other day, I did a Bing search for kitchen timers for the sole purpose of getting a picture to post on the blog. See above. (To answer Justin's question from yesterday, I found the lost timer in one of the bins in the bedroom that I had been working on. Mystery solved.)

Since then, I would estimate that almost half of the ads I see on various websites are now for kitchen timers. I guess Williams Sonoma has a really nice stainless steel kitchen timer according to one ad I saw. I was actually tempted to click on that ad just to see how much they cost. Of course, I won't click it because I am completely against the targeted advertising that has literally changed the internet into one big marketing scheme.

This is nothing new. I started seeing it a couple years ago when I worked at a certain company. I would google the company website to see about new job openings and next thing I knew, ads for the company were all over the place, including in my email.

It could be worse:

Here is a deep dive if you are interested:

Anyway – take care out there.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Laundry Horror Stories

Sundays are the best day for me to do laundry. I usually start around 6:30am and no one else is doing their laundry at that time. I have the place to myself. I walked down and started a load and then walked back. I set my timer. (I found my original timer after I bought two more. Now I have three! I should be good for now. Ha ha.)

When the timer went off I walked down to switch the loads. I was just grabbing some clothes from the washer and putting them in the dryer. So far uneventful until I went to put quarters in. Sitting on the coin push was this ENORMOUS bug casually waving it's antenna's at me. It looked like this:

Of course, in my mind at the time, it was this big:

I wasn't about to switch my load to another dryer. I was going to have to do battle with the bug. I have a screw top container that I use for my quarters and I used the lid to flip the bug off the coin push. He dropped somewhere between the wall and the side of the dryer. Sorry dude, you picked the wrong place to sit.

I never saw the bug again. Phew, laundry accomplished.

Take care out there. (watch for bugs)

Monday, July 8, 2024

Bye Bye BitChute

It use to be, back in the day, that I could go to Twitter (now X) and read what people wrote there and the comments. Then one day, I was no longer able to read it unless I signed in, giving them my name, phone number, email account, etc. Since I didn't really use Twitter and only read a couple of people's posts, it was no big deal to just stop going there. Now I can only read X post's if someone embeds it on their website. I figured, no big loss.

Unfortunately, in a way, the same thing has been done to Bitchute. Bitchute use to be an excellent alternative to You Tube. There was minimal censorship and a lot of good truth tellers had channels there. One was Amazing Polly. She hasn't been posting lately, but the screen grab above was from her channel. As you can see, since July 1st, you can only watch Bitchute videos if you accept their cookies.

Now, cookies have been around practically as long as computers have been and we have just gotten use to accepting them. But we are in a war now, and I don't trust cookies to not be one more thing weaponized against us. So why now? Why all of a sudden do you have to accept cookies to watch Bitchute videos? 

Just doing a Bing search on what cookies are brings up this:

Computer cookies are small files used by web servers to:

Save browsing information

Remember your device

Store browser preferences

Track user activity

Enhance web navigation

Enable personalized user experiences based on stored data about user’s preferences.

Of course it is tracking your activity. It was always designed to do that. Exactly what activity isn't defined but I'm sure any and all activities on the website and off the website will be tracked. I know they are already tracking every keystoke but why help them out?

Now, I can still watch new videos from these channels but I can't scroll down farther than the little cookie message. So anyone new coming to these channels and wanting to watch any older videos will have to accept the cookies in order to continue. Just one more incremental way the noose is tightening and the internet is just a little less free. Sigh.

Take care out there. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Hard Days

Cederq told me I have to post something today. He's right of course, but I'm in a pretty bad situation that I don't really want to talk about.

I suppose, at some level, I have to come clean sometime. It's not like I'm still working 12 hour shifts on graveyard anymore. After 4 straight months of literally battling curses, hexes, dark spells and everything else they could throw at me, I am no longer employed at that job. You can think I'm just a delusional failure, but I stood against all that evil as hard as I could, while still trying to learn the job. I'm still having dreams about it. The Lord placed me in that job to have a doctorate level course in what we are up against in this war. I had no idea how bad it was, especially here at the local level. I guess I thought evil was only working at the macro level, like the destruction of our country and the food supply. Didn't think it would be so close to home.

But it's over.

There is a vacuum left in the wake. While I'm glad I never have to go back there, I'm back to square one again. No job, no regular paycheck, trapped in a box in the middle of Kansas, with not a whole lot of future prospects. On top of that, I'm sick. I'm battling some type of raging infection on my back. Thankfully, I did have a week's course of antibiotics that I found while repacking the bug out bag. Just in time. I'm about halfway through, so hopefully it will knock it out. It's hard to be optimistic when in this much pain.

That's about it. I hope you all are well. Take care out there and please pray for my healing and a new job.


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Wise Men and Kitchen Timers

I have a disability.

Well, maybe not a disability per se. Let's just say that I have a huge motivational problem when it comes to cleaning and can literally waste all day on the computer and accomplish nothing. To compensate for my, er, disability, I have come up with an excellent system that requires a kitchen timer. I call it 15/15. 15 minutes of cleaning, 15 minutes of computer time. At the end of the day, I know what is going on in the world (such that it is) and my drudgery chores are done.

I usually have two working timers at all times. Yesterday, shortly after I got home from the store, my good kitchen timer broke. I would turn the dial and it would snap back to zero and go off. I think it was the spring or something. So I had to throw it away and get the spare timer out of the drawer. The spare timer, unfortunately, never really worked very well although it cost me 15 dollars at the time. But, having just come from the store, it wasn't worth it to drive all the way back just for a timer. (Although as I write this, I'm not so sure.)

I wanted to get my chores done in the bedroom first since it is the hottest room in the house and I have to work in there in the morning before it becomes an oven. My goal is to get rid of everything that I've been hanging onto that I don't really use or need and also has no purpose in a post apocalyptic scenario. I also needed to repack the bug out bag. I don't know who keeps packing the bug out bag but they are an idiot. I could barely lift it and unless I'm planning on doing surgery on someone, completely impractical.

So I was bustling along, going from the computer to the bedroom carrying the timer with me and I got a lot done. I brought three garbage bags full of stuff out of there and it was starting to get too hot. I was at a good stopping place anyway and went to grab the timer and go back out to the kitchen. But the timer wasn't there. I went back over things and could not find it anywhere. I couldn't believe that somehow or other I lost the stupid timer. I was actually having a good day up until that point. But now, I was timerless. Not sure if I can even function properly without it.

My husband is a culinary genius and used to do all the cooking, which worked out well since I enjoy washing the dishes. But then he got sick and for the last 3 years, I have taken over the cooking because he is no longer able. Luckily, sometimes he likes simple things like fish sticks and steak fries for lunch. We have perfected the timing of it. Put the fish sticks in for 10 minutes, flip them, then add the fries for another 20 minutes. Nice and easy.

So when my husband requested fish sticks and fries for lunch I was happy to comply. I stood up, then said, “Shit!”

“What?” my husband asked.

“I don't have a timer!”

Now, my husband is usually a very wise man and we will be married for 10 years in July. While my head was in the freezer, digging out fish, he had a momentary lapse in situational awareness and started to say something foolish.

“Well, when I was doing the cooking, I would...” he started and didn't have a chance to finish because my head came out of the freezer so fast that his eyes got wide and he closed his mouth and turned back to the tv.

I could have been a good wife, appreciating how my husband was so wise that he did not finish that statement, but, I kindof suck. I did thank him for not finishing that sentence and left it at that. Although I may have used the term “Holy Hell” somewhere in my response. I'm not saying.

Now, my husband is fed, had some ice cream and is napping and I'm trying to decide if I want to make a special trip into town for a timer. Haven't decided yet.

Hope everyone is doing well, staying cool and checking the practicality of their bug out bags.

Take care out there.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Two out of Three

I wanted to write about the stupid debates tonight. Let's just throw all the old rules out the window. No audience, mic's muted, compromised people running the thing. So, what you are telling me is that the whole thing could be completely faked? Hell, it could be green screened and edited and then broadcast as live. How would we know? We wouldn't. I would not be surprised if the whole thing is CGI. It's not like we haven't seen CGI versions of Biden out there already. Of course, for the first time in history we will also have commercials. (brought to you by Pfizer most likely.) Such a joke.

I thought about writing about how HOT it is. But it isn't record breaking hot or anything. It's not 109 degrees outside like last summer when it killed my dog. But look at a weather map of the US and it is all scary bright red. Ooooh. Brought to you by the deadly climate change we have now. I'm so sick of the narrative.

Of course, Julian Assange also went free recently. Guess his contract was up for renegotiation. I can't even remember what the original thing was all about. Who knows? I remember that what he once released was ultra important, but, like always, nothing ever comes of it.

But what actually made me stop what I was working on to write a post, was hearing the most eff'd up song ever. Every time I hear this song it pisses me off because it is so very messed up. Just the absolute worst thing you could ever say to someone. Here it is:

Anyway, I don't even know what I am doing anymore. Hope you are all doing well and staying cool where you are. Take care out there.

Monday, June 24, 2024


Most of the people who come to my blog already know that we are slaves to the system. This idea is not new to them, and I could reiterate all the ways we are imprisoned in this system, from the laws in our country not being enforced and/or being twisted and used against law abiding citizens, to the fake money that is constantly being manipulated to steal as much of it from us as they can so that it is almost impossible to live. Name a category – it is part of our enslavement, one way or another.

One category of this slavery system that I can't seem to be able to get away from is drugs. I'm not talking about fentanyl or heroin, or any other opiates, although I hear often that we have an opiate epidemic in this country that doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. I'm talking about levothyroxine. For those that may not know, levothyroxine is prescribed for thyroid issues. In my case it is for hypothyroidism or more specifically Hashimoto's disease. That is an autoimmune disease on top of the hypothyroidism. Your own body attacking itself.

Twice in my life I have attempted to stop taking levothyroxine. Both times I swelled up and the pain in my hands was excruciating. I couldn't sleep at night for sweating but I was exhausted all the time. Both times I had to go back on it in order to get back to normal. My sister tells me that 100% of the females in our family have thyroid issues that require daily medication to treat. 100%. I wonder what the chances of something like that occurring naturally. Yeah, you know where I'm going with that question.

You can't buy levothyroxine over the counter. You have to go to a doctor and get a blood test and they will have to write you a prescription for it. Then the pharmacy will only give you, at most, 3 months supply at a time. Wouldn't want you to be out of the medical system too long doncha know. I wonder how much the pharmaceutical companies make on that alone.

The other drug I can't seem to get away from is omreprozole. It is used for extreme heartburn. I know I have missed a couple days when all of a sudden I get the worst case of heartburn. I really chalk that one up to the poisoning of the food supply. Our bodies know this is not natural food we are eating but chemical monstrosities masquerading as food. For example, it cost me three dollars to buy a pint of half and half without disodium phosphate added among other things. Half and half should only have milk and cream. But these are the days we are living in. My suggestion is try to stock up on as much of these daily medications as you can. Some of them are already becoming scarce.

Anyway, that is all for now. Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

Wickedness Personified

They are wicked and delight in their wickedness. They openly brag about their hatred of Almighty God and His son Jesus Christ. They have no shame. They hate those who believe in Him and seek to do them harm. They admit that they are witches doing spells in their barns. They embrace everything that is evil. They hate the good.

They are everywhere now. Nothing is restraining them from running to shed innocent blood. They boast of their meanness. They pretend to be kind and listen so that they can take your words and use them against you. It is in their very nature.

They hate men and seek to destroy them at every opportunity. They embrace everything that is ugly and hate beauty. They are covered in tattoos so that they soon resemble the demons that inhabit them. Time to get another one.

They laugh at the calamity of others. It is like their nectar. There is no empathy within them. They speak great swelling words against the Most High and against His people. They have saturated every level of society from the highest to the lowest. They appear to be winning, but that is a lie.

The Lord has no desire for the wicked to perish, but that they should turn to Him and He would heal them. But they have closed fast their ears from hearing and their eyes they have shut tight. They are unable to see their approaching ruin. They will turn and rend you if you try to give them pearls.

They are wickedness personified.

Take care out there.  


Thursday, June 6, 2024


Just thought I would put this out there. We are dealing with evil on an unprecedented scale, so we never know what is going to happen. Maybe nothing. Who knows. Just for informational purposes only.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Fake and Gay

I'm not surprised that the fake verdict in Trump's fake trial is guilty on all counts. You didn't actually believe it would be otherwise did you? I'm sure his scripted and fake arrest will happen soon. I am surprised how many people are just now going to fly their flags upside down. As far as I'm concerned our flags should have been flown upside down for the last five years, at least since they started making the vaccines mandatory. Let's not forget on who's watch that occurred.

Today, of course, is the start of Gay Pride month. People are getting pretty sick of the whole gay agenda. I know I am. Some days, there just isn't enough closets.

Things at work have calmed down considerably. Thank you to everyone who was praying for me. It has been a downright pleasant work environment lately. I'm counting it as a miracle. It is surprising how quickly mountains can be uprooted and thrown into the sea. Of course, now that everything is going well, I'll be moving to the graveyard shift with the night trainer in two weeks instead of two months. I've always known it was going to happen sooner or later. I'm just hoping I will be able to adjust my sleep schedule. I literally haven't stayed up to watch the ball drop on New Year's for a couple of decades! We'll leave that in God's hands as well.

I'm still monumentally busy. My days off are filled with catching up on housework, catching up on sleep or doing meal prep for my work days. I'm going to try to keep my current schedule, just changing it from am to pm. We'll see how it works out.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Hugs and Old Hwy 40

There is a back road way to get to Abilene from my house that I have been taking lately and yesterday was a beautiful day for a drive. Since we have been having so much rain, all the fields are green and lush. The sky was blue for a change and there were actual white puffy clouds and no chemtrails. I guess evil takes a day off once in a while.

There is a little crossroads where I pass the unincorporated town of Detroit. It is just a smattering of houses with what use to be a bar and grill. It's closed now with boarded up windows. My Boss told me the story about the bar, I guess some brothers were fighting over it, but I can't remember the details now. I always feel a little sad when I pass it. It will, most likely, never reopen.

On the corner, where I turn onto Old Hwy 40, there is a sign with plastic letters that says, simply, “Pray for Rain.” I send up a little prayer for rain in honor of the guy who lives there. I'm thoroughly enjoying the trip as I pass stately old farmhouses with well kept yards. I saw an actual modern looking log cabin and kind of laughed that I hadn't noticed it before. I pass a cornfield where the little green cornstalks are three inches tall. That farmer will have a very nice crop this year.

Old Hwy 40 ends at the south end of Abilene right near the Post Office and I stop to check the mail. Just some coupons for fast food restaurants that I will probably not use. I just don't trust them anymore. Then it is on to Quik Stop to pick up a few things that are less expensive than at the grocery store. I notice the donut place across the street. When my car was broke down a couple summers ago, the Landlady took me there and bought me a chocolate covered donut from the drive up window. The shop is now newly closed with the sign taken down and a For Rent poster in the window. I never went there (cuz a donut is the last thing I need these days) but I was sad to see that it was closed. A lot of businesses, especially restaurants are closing in this town. A sign of the times I guess.

I saw the RV repair guy as he was leaving the grocery store parking lot and I was going in. He waved to me and I had this feeling of being part of this community now. It felt really comforting.

Inside the store I spot one of the guys who stocks the shelves that I use to see all the time when I was unemployed and would go to the store at the butt crack of dawn. He stopped his conversation with a co-worker to come talk to me saying, “I was just thinking about you! I haven't seen you in a while.” We chatted a little about my new job (just the good stuff), and before we parted ways he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a little half hug and said, “it was good to see you.” Wow, I thought as I continued my shopping.

The woman who had prayed for me in the parking lot a while back was bagging my groceries. She walked me out and told me that she had been thinking about me and was glad to hear that I got a new job as she put my groceries in the back seat. Then she gave me a hug and said another prayer thanking the Lord for His many blessings and calling me her sister. Wow again. I drove home thinking, Yes, the Lord continues to rain blessings down on me. What a great day.

Hope everyone is well. Stay safe this holiday weekend. I have to work all weekend so hopefully I will get a new post up sometime Monday or Tuesday. But don't hold me to that.

Take care out there.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Notes from the War Front

I'm pretty sure this meme was stolen from BCE.

Today was the first time in weeks I've had a chance to catch up on the news and read my favorited bloggers. It's kind of like a soap opera. You don't watch for a couple weeks and when you come back the same plot line is going on and not much new has happened. It reminds me of when I was in the Air Force, stationed in Germany in the late 80's. My mom would tape “Days of our Lives” on VHS and ship them over. A bunch of us girls would get together and watch them, drinking beer and eating popcorn. Luke and Laura were the power couple of my day. Ahhhh, better times.

I guess another barge hit a bridge. What is that? Four now? I knew they were just getting started. The war is against God's people specifically and humanity in general. Slowly but surely they will destroy all the infrastructure in this country and continue to let hordes of invaders in to finish us off on some particular occult day. Maybe 9.23? They like that day.

Several towns in local states have been devastated by tornadoes. The weather manipulating wizards have actually tried twice to take out my area with tornadoes. So much so, that the local FEMA guy (whose office is literally right next door to mine) has put out detailed PowerPoint presentations on the coming destruction. But God has other ideas for this area and is actively protecting it.

I guess a bunch of my co-workers drove out to see the Northern Lights last weekend here in Kansas. The official story is, of course, all that crazy sunspot activity. Because it is not like HAARP can't produce these things. Who ever heard of the Aurora Borealis being seen this far south? The enemy is working overtime for their evil, and I'm sure the weather warfare will continue.

I can't say too much about my job other than it is the most toxic environment I've ever been in. My trainer and I were called into the Boss's office and in true “these aren't the droids you are looking for” fashion I was told that my trainer was not yelling at me and that, “it is my unresolved childhood trauma that is causing the problem and even though you believe that Yoga is a religion, you really need to try some deep breathing exercises.” Uh-huh.

The Lord showed me that I am in a snake pit and the people there are snakes. But Daniel did not avoid the lion's den. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not avoid the fiery furnace and Jeremiah did not avoid the pit. Not that I am comparing myself to those great believers, just that God showed me this is the situation. Also, at this point, I am not to look for another job. Literally not even go LOOK at what may be out there. God has plans for me where I am at. For now, at least, I am to continue to do my best and let God do the rest. I don't know what His plans are, I just need to continue to trust in Him.

Anyway, that is about it for now. Hope you all are well. Take care out there.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

New Computer!

Hello everybody! I had a lot of readers and commentors who wanted to help me get a new computer and I appreciate every one of them. Out of the blue on Monday my sister called me up and said her husband said to just buy me a computer. So I picked one out online and sent her the link. That was very generous of them! It's an ASUS TUF Gaming F15 computer with lots of disk space and memory so should be just the thing. It's built like a tank and even says Military Standard Durability on it. Not sure yet if that is a good or bad thing, but the computer runs great. I've spent most of yesterday and part of today downloading stuff. It would have been faster, but the internet has not been that great. I'm very happy with it so far.

Things have been much better at work. The Boss must be taking care of business behind the scenes and it has been nice. The Lord has my back in all things.

Hope you all are well. I'm still super busy and I work the next three days. I heard that a tornado actually touched down near our house, but we didn't see anything and have no damage. Thank the Lord!

Just a quick update. Take care out there.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


There's Hell. (Well...that's debatable.) There is the Seven Levels of Hell that Dante writes about. Then there is the Bitch from Hell otherwise known as my Trainer that I am locked in the basement with. She has apparently been setting me up from the beginning, giving me low marks on my daily training sheets and talking bad about me to the other co-workers. She yells at me if I make a mistake and refuses to answer any of my questions. It got so bad that it has now come to the attention of the Boss.

As I've said before, I love my Boss. Unfortunately (for both of us) she has been out of town on mandatory training and won't be back in the office until next Friday.

But, as usual, the Lord has my back and it is being nipped in the bud as we speak. I guess we will see how things play out.

Wish I had better news for you.

Take care out there.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Blessing the Ducks

I know I haven't been around much. Just work, eat, wash dishes, sleep, make coffee, repeat. Little by little, my training is increasing and I'm now starting on some practical application. I still have a long way to go. I ended up having yesterday off due to the fact that all the trainers are exhausted from working so many shifts. I feel for them but was also glad for the break. There is only so much knowledge this old noggin of mine can retain.

We had another leak. I noticed it when coming back from the laundry. It wasn't spraying this time but still. It being Sunday, the RV repair guy doesn't work or answer his phone, so I left a message. It wasn't going to get fixed until the next day, so no point in freaking out.

When I came back from switching loads, I noticed there were several ducks sitting in the puddles under our RV soaking in the “rain”. I laughed and asked one of them if they were enjoying themselves. He quacked happily back as if to say, “Yes! Thanks for the opportunity.” It was cute and strangely made my day. The Lord was blessing the ducks. I no longer felt bad about the leak.

The RV guy came out on Monday and replaced an O-ring. He didn't charge us anything (which was good since he was the last one to work in that area.) All was once again, well with the world.

Hope you are all doing well. Keep prepping and praying!

Take care out there.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Did I Miss the Big War?

While I was having an actual life and working, I did see the above picture on Drudge recently with the oh so familiar red letter headlines about that mean old terrorist country Iran raining holy hell down on the completely innocent and perpetually victimized state of Israel.

Which in no way whatsoever could be faked because who doesn't love a good fireworks display? I notice that except for a couple tiny headlines still left on Drudge, the story has basically disappeared. First, it was replaced by stories of Trump's fake, made for streaming trial, but no one seems to care about that either.

To prove the not-fakeness of it all, The Wall Street Journal (last bastion of truth in this reality. Honest!) posted this picture (below) with the caption, Israeli soldiers display an Iranian ballistic missile that fell in Israel during last weekend’s attack. PHOTO: (((GIL COHEN-MAGEN)))/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES”

Now, did that missile just fall like that all horizontal like behind that gate, or was it trucked in? I like the fact that Iran's name is clearly marked on the missile proving without a doubt that it is theirs.

As I've said before, all the kings of the earth are colluding together against God and His people (us). Here is Iran's vaccination rate on their own people and here is Israel's. If they were in agreement then, I'm sure they were in agreement with this recent tit-for-tat scenario. All the world's a stage my friend. Why have real wars when you can have carefully scripted choreographed ones? Not that they don't send real human soldiers out there to kill each other. That's just a bonus.

According to the narrative, everyone is now super scared about World War Three. I'm not. If there is a “WW3” it will be fake. Guaranteed.

Take care out there.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Little Lucy

I don't know if you heard, but Jeff Berwick's little chihuahua Lucy passed away recently. It actually kind of hit me harder than I thought. Poor little thing. She will be missed. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Short Staffed

Our department was already short staffed the day I was hired. There are three of us in training. One old lady (me), and a couple of Millennials. I’m sure I don’t have to tell anyone who reads this blog about Millennials and their work ethic. But it is what it is.

Now, on top of that, we are down one employee who is sick (we don’t know when she will be able to return) and another girl who just gave her two week notice and will only be here through the end of April. Ouch.

The boss has increased my hours in the hopes that I can get trained faster. I’m helping by agreeing to the extra hours and praying that I can absorb the information. I need to be good at this job. So far, I’m progressing well and every day new responsibilities are being added. I like the way they are training. Get a grasp on one area and then slowly add on the next layer and the next. 

Next week I am scheduled 60 hours. It sounds worse than it is. The overtime will be sweet and will help us get caught up financially. I’ll try to keep you posted if I get a chance.

Hope everyone is doing well. Take care out there.

Sorry for the weird format. I wrote it from work and sent to myself in an email.  I can't seem to fix it. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Chicken Contemplations

I don't really want to whine about my life. Ok, maybe just a little. I've been trying to decide if I will continue with this blog because I'm so busy and tired that I'm just not sure I have it in me anymore.

As I've stated to several friends on the phone lately, I'm no spring chicken. I'm not even a summer one. Just an old lady working 12 hour shifts, trying to memorize volumes of information and being a full time caregiver for my husband. He had a couple really bad days last week where he stopped eating and thought he was going to die. But he started feeling better and is eating again. Now he thinks he may be immortal.

I have no time to get anything done. When I do have time, I have no energy. If I do have some energy for a blog post, my computer keeps crashing and it is so frustrating.

Cederq almost earned himself a demerit for his Debbie Downer comment on my Eclipse post. I prefer the term Debbie Realist thank you very much.

Which reminds me. I'm sick and tired of watching the enemy destroy this country in every single category. I'm sick of their numerology and their astrology and their symbols and their despicable ways. I'm sick of being poisoned. Of watching them use their technology to kill off livestock, fish and wildlife in their efforts to starve us out. What food they do allow us is filled with chemicals and genetically modified. As much as it costs to buy groceries these days, we have to pay extra if we want something to eat that hasn't been messed with. I sometimes feel like this guy.

I use to think that I wanted to know what the enemy was up to, so that I wasn't blindsided. I don't care anymore what the enemy is doing. They can kiss my ass. I want to concentrate on what my Heavenly Father is doing these days. And He is doing amazing stuff if we all just stop worrying for a moment to recognize it.

Last week we had a really hot day. Hot enough that my husband wanted me to turn on the air conditioner. So I turned it on. Nothing. No air came out. It was just dead. I turned it off and on a couple times and it just wasn't coming on. I told my husband that we have no money to get it fixed. Summer is on it's way and the heat killed our dog last year, so we can't be without an air conditioner.

I sat down and went through various scenarios in my head for possible solutions but there wasn't any. Finally, I said a little prayer. Lord, you have never failed us. We have no money to get the air conditioner fixed and we need it. Can you please just fix it? Then I went on to do other things.

10 minutes later, the air conditioner came on and has been running great ever since. Amazing. I actually almost cried I was so thankful that once again, the Lord was looking out for us. He is doing big things too, but we are not going to see those headlines in red letters on Drudge. But know this, the Lord is aware of the war that we are in and He will not let us fall.

Back to the idea of whether I will continue the blog. I think I will. The small hold guy got laid off from his job and then just stopped writing. He hasn't posted since the end of February, and we all worry about what happened to him. I won't do that to you guys.

Amazing Polly came out to announce that she is taking an extended vacation, which makes me really sad. She is a phenomenal researcher, but she is having health issues. Plus the enemy forces went after her pretty brutally, doxing her and her husband, that she needed to take a break. I completely understand, but I will miss her. (when I went to link to her bitchute channel, she has a new video up. Nice. She's back sooner than I thought. Good for her!) I don't want to go that route just yet either.

So I guess you guys are stuck with me for the time being. Good, bad or indifferent. I may go a week or so without posting, but I will try to get at least one post out on my days off. If my computer completely dies before I am able to replace it, I will let Cederq know and he can post something on bustednuckles.

Continue to pray and stock up, the war is not over yet, but the truth is starting to trickle out. The Lord has His ears open to our prayers. Pray for your neighborhoods and your counties and actively pray against the enemy's plans. Watch and see the ways the Lord is working in your lives if you trust in Him.

Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse Day

I'm glad this day has finally arrived so everyone can stop talking about it already. Oh, I've listened to all the podcasts and read a bunch of articles. I have literally never seen so much noise coming out of the internet in my entire life. But, the enemy did manage to make most of the people out there terrified of the common cold and the weather, might as well add eclipses (something that occurs regularly and has for thousands of years.)

We have several places that have declared “states of emergencies”, the National Guard is being called out, CERN is starting up again, and NASA is going to fire some rockets, just for fun. There are rumors that poison will be sprayed over the onlookers. Um...hello! They are already doing that to all of us on a daily basis, but this time it's gonna be extra special I guess.

But what about all the significance of the date? Not to mention all the coded language and symbolism? I mean, seven Ninevahs? Wow, why would you even name a town Ninevah? My answer is, what about it? These people put coded language into everything, including meaningless stories about dog rescues. This is nothing new.

My favorite, of course, is the idea that they will open the bottomless pit and let all that is imprisoned there loose. How do you know they haven't opened it already? If I recall, an army of men with women's hair is supposed to come out. Seems like we already have that. Just look at Hollywood or your local library's drag queen story hour.

I may be totally wrong, or I just have a really bad case of not giving a shit, but except for the actual eclipse, I don't believe anything significant is going to happen today. But, who knows. Stranger things have happened.

Take care out there.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Sunday Music

Conspiracy Music Guru's latest:

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Fun With Maps

Another part of my training for the new job involves memorizing the map of the surrounding area. I need to know every town, every street, every intersection, various landmarks and who has jurisdiction over each section. It's a large area and is quite the daunting task. My boss trained with me on the map one day last week when my trainer was off for the day. She was totally cracking me up.

She points to a big area on the map and told me the story about how this one farmer owned all the land there at one time. Then he got mad at his kids and decided to sell it off, piece by piece, so that they had nothing to inherit. Now a whole community of Amish has sprung up there that causes their own set of problems. (Like, God forbid, building without permits and burning stuff without permission!) I was laughing at her indignation at the situation.

She pointed at an exact location and said, “This is where the Extremist lives.”

“What makes him an Extremist?” I asked innocently.

“He is constantly sending us Freedom of Information requests and causes no end of problems and paperwork! He is a complete nuisance.”

(Ha ha hahaha) I was really trying to hold in my laughter at this point.

She went on to tell me that this place has a lot of sovereign citizens and somewhere here (she waves her hand over the blue area) they have a fenced in compound with a 50 caliber machine gun guarding the entrance.

“Can you show me where they are located specifically?” I asked, “I want to go there when the zombie apocalypse hits.”

“Why?” She was shocked I would say such a thing. “They will all be dead!”

I shrugged. “I'm sure they have canned goods.”

She smiled.

I really like her. Anyway, it was fun and time flew.

Tomorrow is my first 12 hour shift and I have to be at work at 5am so not sure I will be able to post the next day or two. I'm busy today since I'm going to try to get my haircut by a professional for the first time in 5 years. Also want to try to make some banana bread so no extra time.

Hope you are all doing well. Take care out there.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Barges and Bridges

So what is going on these days with barges hitting bridges? Seems seriously suspect to me. I have read several deep dives on the oddities surrounding the whole Baltimore incident. This was a good post from A Wrinkle in Tom's site: The Killing Moon, that touches on some of the more esoteric symbolism. The irony of the fact that the name of the bridge was the Francis Scott Key bridge, after the guy who wrote the Star Spangled Banner was not lost on me. Is someone trying to tell us that America is going down? Heard that threat many, many times.

There are a multitude of rabbit holes people who have the time for such things (not me!) can dig into. The ship was out of Singapore. (Did we piss them off lately?) The captain was Ukrainian, because of course he was, why wouldn't he be? The company who owns the ship is named Grace Ocean Private just to name a few starting points for those that want to get their hands dirty. But as far as I'm concerned, don't bother wasting your time. I'll tell you who is responsible for this. The enemy.

Was is a true accident? Sabotage? Cyberattack? It doesn't even matter at this point. What is important is, now we have a bridge completely destroyed and a fairly strategic port that is cut off. Before the dust had even settled the fake president declared that they would Build Back Better. Just like all the other places that have been destroyed in the last couple years.

Speaking of which, thought I'd check that webpage I favorited that listed all the upcoming smart cities that are planned, to see if Baltimore was on it. Well, what do you know? The list has been erased. Now why would they do that? Maybe the list was just a little too obvious. People might start to get suspicious.

I guess this whole barges hitting bridges is becoming a thing now since it happened again in both Arkansas and Oklahoma over the weekend. The bridges are open again, but still. What is that saying if it happens a third time? Yep, enemy action. It's all part of the new normal everyone is talking about. Pretty soon it will be just like all the big food production plants that just happened to blow up all over the county. Last I checked it was over 200 and counting. But nothing to see here, move along.

Stock up on everything you can. Pray with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds. The enemy's time is almost up.

Take care out there.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Sunday Music

Hollow Coves. Lucky Sidebar find:

Monday, March 25, 2024

Chugging Along

Took a little time on Saturday to rest and recharge. Just as I'm starting to get use to this schedule, it changes next week. But, I have a four day weekend coming up so that should help me have some extra time to get ahead of the game. Posting will still be light this week.

Here are some of the links I've collected lately:

The Ventriloquists

Congress Moves to Steal TikTok, Sell It to the Jews

The Planned Demolition Of Boeing

Inception attacks' on Meta VR headsets can trap users in a fake VR environment, researchers found

Project MK-Ultra in the American Classroom

Hope you all had a great weekend! Take care out there.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Sunday Music

Triumph. Hat Tip to the Feral Irishman who posted the lyrics of Just a Game (2nd one down).

Thursday, March 21, 2024

My Old Friend, the Poet

Years and years ago, living and working in California at a very elite Art and Music school, I had an opportunity to meet Cecilia Woloch. She is a professional and gifted poet, a self-identified Gypsy, and an amazing person with a huge heart. She always treated me with respect and warmth. We actually had a chance to go out to dinner once and it was a special memory I have of those days.

I still get the email newsletters she puts out from time to time, and I wanted to post a part of it. It is an interesting view of our current world through her eyes, which is much different than how I see it: 

Why Write Love Poetry in a Burning World?

To train myself to find, in the midst of hell
what isn't hell.

The body, bald, cancerous, but still
beautiful enough to
imagine living the body
washing the body
replacing a loose front
porch step the body chewing

what it takes to keep a body

This scene has a tune
a language I can read a door
I cannot close I stand
within its wedge
a shield.

Why write love poetry in a burning world?
To train myself, in the midst of a burning world
to offer poems of love to a burning world.

Katie Farris

There isn’t any way to look away. Neither from the images of Gaza nor from the images of Ukraine. Neither from the chaos in Haiti nor from the chaos at the southern border of the U.S. Neither from the murder of Aleksei Navalny in a Russian prison camp nor from the beautiful, bloodshot eyes of his widow. Nor from the homeless encampment in the median at the end of my block. From the suffering everywhere.

We can’t look away, nor should we. But we can also look, as Katie Farris reminds us, “to find, in the midst of hell,/ what isn’t hell.”

What isn’t hell is all around us, too. We can train ourselves to find it, with the kind of attention a poet pays to the world, without whitewashing or sentimentalizing. We can even make it mean. The antidote to despair is meaning. Meaning is something we’re capable of

making, each of us, in our way, in our lives. As is beauty. I return often to a line from Jorie Graham’s Overlord: “Try to make of the grief a kind of beauty that might endure.”

Aleksei Navalny urged all of us to do something, even something small, as an act of resistance to tyranny – and to despair, I would add. Your despair helps no one; but your compassion might, and your courage — and courage comes from the heart, literally, from the Latin cor, meaning heart. So take heart.

Reclaim your right to joy, in the midst of a burning world, your strength in the face of pain and grief, and the power of your imagination. Reclaim your attention from the small screen in your hand and look up at the sky. Take a walk in your neighborhood with your eyes and your ears open, listen to the birds, befriend a neighbor. Turn your attention to what’s immediately around you — the other human beings, the natural world, the cityscape, local politics. Vote with the collective good in mind. Refuse to think of yourself as powerless. Commit an act of kindness. Do what you can, on a personal level, to repair the tears in the social fabric.

Create, in the face of destruction. Write a poem, dance, make art, make a new friend in real life. Go to a live performance — a play, a concert, a reading, an exhibition. Look for what’s flourishing, and for ways to flourish.

“Why write love poetry in a burning world? Katie Farris asks. To train ourselves, “in the midst of a burning world/ to offer poems of love to a burning world.”

There are bright spots, too, when you look for them. Last week, walking through downtown Los Angeles, I saw the unfinished skyscrapers, abandoned by their developers, that are now covered with bright graffiti – the work of artists and taggers from all over the city and the country. It looked beautiful to me, and powerful, and it lifted my spirits sky-high. Everyone I’ve spoken to thinks the graffiti should remain, at least until the buildings can be put to good use – maybe as affordable housing for Angelenos.”

Her website is located here.

Take care out there!

Monday, March 18, 2024

What's Slightly Wrinkled with Big Eyes?

You might think it is my sense of humor, but no. What is or rather was slightly wrinkled with big eyes were the last three russet potatoes I had sitting on the counter. I hard boiled the last of the eggs, cooked up those potatoes, used the last two baby dill pickles (and a couple more baby sweets) and made the best potato salad I think I've ever made. I personally don't like potato salad but this turned out so yummy that I had some myself and the rest will be for my husband's lunches this week.

I have been insanely busy. I'm working 9 hours shifts for the next couple weeks then in April, I switch to 12 hour shifts but I will have more days off so I should be able to start posting more at that time. Thanks for bearing with me. Hope you all are doing well. Keep prepping and praying!

Take care out there.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sunday Music

Willie Nelson - per request from Cederq:

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

New Job and Fishing Memories

The new job is going well. Training has consisted mainly of memorizing various codes. It's not Whiskey Tango Foxtrot but William Tom Frank. I'm picking things up fast and believe when I'm done with training (6 months from now) I'm really going to like this job.

The health insurance for my husband and I was almost 500 dollars a month. Ouch! Again, I say Ouch. I had decided to turn it down, but my husband said to go ahead and get it just for me, which is only 85 bucks a month. The rest of the benefits are pretty good and the retirement plan is sweet.

My husband is handling my absence during the day as well as can be expected. While going through his tools and stuff, I found our old fishing cooler. I cleaned it up and have been using it to pack him a very nice lunch and several sodas to hold him over until I get home.

Finding that cooler brought back fond memories of better days. We used to have a secret spot on Hagg Lake in Oregon where we would go fishing. We would bring snacks and beers in the little cooler and spend a couple hours there. We never really caught anything big enough to keep, it was mainly a good excuse to drink beer at 7am in the morning. We always had such fun, and we tried to go at least once a week.

One day we showed up to fish as we usually did and there was a strange shrine – a table with flowers and candles – sitting in our spot. We had heard that a whole family had drowned at Hagg Lake, but we didn't know it was right at our secret fishing place. Needless to say, we didn't fish that day. We tried to find a new spot at a different lake, but it just wasn't the same. We kind of stopped fishing altogether after that. I miss those days. Those were good times.

That is all for now because my crappy computer keeps crashing while I'm trying to write this. I will post again soon, just not sure when.

Hope you all are well! Take care out there.  

Monday, March 11, 2024

New Direction

I start my new job today. Blogging will be light this week as I figure out my schedule and time etc. Have a great day! Take care out there. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024

State of the Union

Drudge is such a joke these days.

Of course, I didn't waste my precious time actually watching the State of the Union address. There was no way they would bother to tell us the truth about what a mess the country is in. I'd rather spend my time scrubbing out the toilet bowl, a job that I hate.

I did, however, watch Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones discussing it. Two extremely reliable CIA agents sources. Don't bother going to the link. They didn't say anything important either. It's unbelievable how much Alex Jones can talk and literally not say a single thing.

Here are some good links from around the net this week:

Nimrata Drops Out of Race (Who the Hell Even Knows What’s Going on withThis Election? I Sure Don’t)

PHACILITATE with Dark Horse Consulting

Is Investing in Gold a PSYOP? Are Precious Metals Actually a BAD Investment? Is Silver a Scam?

The Daylight Savings Time PsyOp, Spring Edition

Anti-White AI Is No Laughing Matter

Prepper Communities

Civil War 2.0 Weather Report: It’s All Planned

The Five FUBARs

Have a great weekend! See you on Sunday.