Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Project 2025



Tree Mike said...

Very interesting!
Hope all is going well for you and hubby.

Justin_O_Guy said...

That was decidedly unpleasant. If I was a lefty I could simply label it false, just Because it's unpleasant. The Scenery along the path that we've all seen, the direction America and the world have been moving makes it impossible to dismiss as a load of paranoid crap. Considering what I've seen, I'm stuck with putting a More likely than not evaluation on it. Not a 51/49 more likely, but up around the 70/30 range. By that I mean I'm not seeing All of it, soon,but the general direction and certainly Some of That stuff happening. It's been a slow downhill grind to get us here. Tho, like a toilet, the downward spiral speeds up just before it all goes down the tubes. It's Been speeding up.
I hope someone figures out a Vaccine for tyrants.

wendyworn said...

yeah - i guess we shall see