Thursday, June 27, 2024

Two out of Three

I wanted to write about the stupid debates tonight. Let's just throw all the old rules out the window. No audience, mic's muted, compromised people running the thing. So, what you are telling me is that the whole thing could be completely faked? Hell, it could be green screened and edited and then broadcast as live. How would we know? We wouldn't. I would not be surprised if the whole thing is CGI. It's not like we haven't seen CGI versions of Biden out there already. Of course, for the first time in history we will also have commercials. (brought to you by Pfizer most likely.) Such a joke.

I thought about writing about how HOT it is. But it isn't record breaking hot or anything. It's not 109 degrees outside like last summer when it killed my dog. But look at a weather map of the US and it is all scary bright red. Ooooh. Brought to you by the deadly climate change we have now. I'm so sick of the narrative.

Of course, Julian Assange also went free recently. Guess his contract was up for renegotiation. I can't even remember what the original thing was all about. Who knows? I remember that what he once released was ultra important, but, like always, nothing ever comes of it.

But what actually made me stop what I was working on to write a post, was hearing the most eff'd up song ever. Every time I hear this song it pisses me off because it is so very messed up. Just the absolute worst thing you could ever say to someone. Here it is:

Anyway, I don't even know what I am doing anymore. Hope you are all doing well and staying cool where you are. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

My head isn't buried in the sand, but I don't may attention to what the fake news and fake papers and fake radio sez' to me. I still stay in touch and know what is going on, but there are other, more believable sources. I never understood that song from Meatloaf, but he is not my favorite singer either, so I don't listen to him often and have no media of him.

Anonymous said...

I must agree with Cederq, there are more credible sources out there. As far as the band Meatloaf, I never got into their music at all, it never clicked for me.

Every time I hear a song that annoys me ( and there are many on the radio that do ) I will pop in a cd of music I like and let that flow over all the "issues" that pop up during the day.
In all fairness this works about 80% of the time. When it doesn't, I play another song!

Well, I hope that at least got a chuckle.