Saturday, June 8, 2024

yeah right

Today's daily BS. Don't believe a word of it.

Alex Jones to Sell InfoWars to Pay $1.5 Billion Debt to Sandy Hook Families (


Cederq said...

So a fake and ghey rabble rouser is having to pay a fake and ghey group of families that are crisis actors? What, is this a wage dispute, they didn't get paid for shedding crocodile tears and faked fainting, anguished cries for imagined children and pretend teachers? Alex's info warts is worth $1.5 billion? I wouldn't give him five bucks for the microphone he spit in while in one of his shouted diatribes.

wendyworn said...

agreed 100%

Drake's Place said...

It's all so interesting. Gene Rosen's 3 or 4 various versions of his "first-hand account" of what happened to him that day. Search "gene rosen sandy hook" on DDG.