Monday, June 24, 2024


Most of the people who come to my blog already know that we are slaves to the system. This idea is not new to them, and I could reiterate all the ways we are imprisoned in this system, from the laws in our country not being enforced and/or being twisted and used against law abiding citizens, to the fake money that is constantly being manipulated to steal as much of it from us as they can so that it is almost impossible to live. Name a category – it is part of our enslavement, one way or another.

One category of this slavery system that I can't seem to be able to get away from is drugs. I'm not talking about fentanyl or heroin, or any other opiates, although I hear often that we have an opiate epidemic in this country that doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. I'm talking about levothyroxine. For those that may not know, levothyroxine is prescribed for thyroid issues. In my case it is for hypothyroidism or more specifically Hashimoto's disease. That is an autoimmune disease on top of the hypothyroidism. Your own body attacking itself.

Twice in my life I have attempted to stop taking levothyroxine. Both times I swelled up and the pain in my hands was excruciating. I couldn't sleep at night for sweating but I was exhausted all the time. Both times I had to go back on it in order to get back to normal. My sister tells me that 100% of the females in our family have thyroid issues that require daily medication to treat. 100%. I wonder what the chances of something like that occurring naturally. Yeah, you know where I'm going with that question.

You can't buy levothyroxine over the counter. You have to go to a doctor and get a blood test and they will have to write you a prescription for it. Then the pharmacy will only give you, at most, 3 months supply at a time. Wouldn't want you to be out of the medical system too long doncha know. I wonder how much the pharmaceutical companies make on that alone.

The other drug I can't seem to get away from is omreprozole. It is used for extreme heartburn. I know I have missed a couple days when all of a sudden I get the worst case of heartburn. I really chalk that one up to the poisoning of the food supply. Our bodies know this is not natural food we are eating but chemical monstrosities masquerading as food. For example, it cost me three dollars to buy a pint of half and half without disodium phosphate added among other things. Half and half should only have milk and cream. But these are the days we are living in. My suggestion is try to stock up on as much of these daily medications as you can. Some of them are already becoming scarce.

Anyway, that is all for now. Hope you all are doing well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

I have often thought that hypothyroidism is a adjunct reaction to some of the childhood vaccines we were subject to. You are right, Hypothyroidism is the hidden 'pandemic' Far too many people have this condition. It was not present 150 years ago as it is today. Our sedentary lifestyle and the chemical stew we call food is sure not helping. Progress may not be a human condition we should strive for. We really are not physiologically evolved to benefit from it.

wendyworn said...

you could be right cederq - who knows how long they have been trying to keep us sick so they can milk us for the thousands of dollars a year we spend on medications. evil bastards.

How are you feeling? I'm praying for you and hoping you are well.

clayusmcret said...

Medicines like omeprazole and esomeprazole (Nexium) get your body hooked. When you try to go off, within ~2-3 days your acid reflux is worse than it ever was. It's your body reacting to the withdrawal.

On The Beach said...

I'm on levothyroxine due to thyroid cancer. (Thanks, U.S. government for the radiation releases.) I have a friend who lives a few miles from the Mexican border. He buys it over the counter there. Since it's not a narcotic, it is of no interest to border agents. It's so cheap that he just mails it to me for free. A good way to stock up if you know someone near there.

Anonymous said...

Might want to look up natural desiccated thyroid as an alternative. Thaithyroid dot com has been trustworthy for me.

wendyworn said...

thanks anon i'll check it out

Don't mind me. said...

I have MS, another of the auto-immune family and have found relief with daily Ivermectin. It hasn't reversed symptoms, but I have more energy.
I also started a nicotine patch, 10 mg a day, and most of my balance issues disappeared almost immediately.
Keep looking for natural remedies, too. Diet and exercise are also key to maintaining health.

Cederq said...

Don't mind me and me are MS twins... he turned me on to those nicotine patches and by golly they work! My balance issue also remedied within a couple of days after I got use to the nicotine buzz I got back when I started. I don't get that buzz any more. I too take ivermectin, but not at the rate Dmm does.

Justin_O_Guy said...

It makes no sense that someone who has been diagnosed with a problem and the drug to address it has a Zero Fun Factor yet regular trips to the doctor are required in order to get a prescription to get it. Nobody who needs a daily thyroid pill is going to sell theirs or have a party taking them. And how many people who Needed them yesterday don't also need them for the rest of their life?
It's a medical condition, insurance should pay.
Imagine if the doctors were unburdened with having to spend time with those things.. Maybe they could take some time and dig a little deeper into figuring out how to help the people whose problems are harder to understand.
I'm pretty sure They are considering just such a change.
No joke!

Justin_O_Guy said...

I'd like a bit of information about Ivermectin . What kind, where to get it, dosages, etc..

Cederq said...

Justin, that is the simple answer and I agree with you. Why a blood test and there are couple more tests that need to be preformed to firmly diagnose a thyroid condition and to rule out another more insidious conditions that mimic hypothyroidism. But to take a test every three months is excessive, after establishing a diagnosis once a year is enough and then they should over the counter with the initial diagnosis and prescription. once a dose is established by that same blood test by the results you do not change over time the dosage amount, it stays fairly consistent. I have hypothyroidism and I had it for almost twenty years before I needed to increase from 125 mcg to 137 mcg and have been at that dosage for over fifteen years. Unless you experience pain in your throat or overly tired and no energy, gaining weight unexpectedly and fatigued all the time is when you should contact your doctor and see if a change in your thyroid such as cancer or another cause. said...

Thyroid med dosage is measured by body weight. The tests aren't just for how much hormone you're maintaining. They use them to look for markers indicating adverse effects to organs, like your liver.

For horrible recurring reflux heartburn, you must first understand how the digestive sys. works. Mouths have a mild composition acid. Upper digestive is a stronger acid. The most powerful and corrosive is deeper. All this works to break down food and extract whatever is useful in it.The rest gets flushed.

When the acid is insufficient, food ferments rather than breaking down. That bubbles back upward to less acidic areas where its constant damage can lead to cancer. You aren't overly acidic, your body is actually short of it!

For the pain, request a 'script coating "Carofate". It lines the damaged area so that the stronger acid coming up and causing damage can't touch it and you will heal. Such relief.

Then go to a reputable nutritional supplement store for what restores the acid in the proper places. We use Doctors Nutrition, in Gulfport, MS. This isn't a pitch. You've tried it your way and if you're satisfied with your results, then disregard, I apologize for having wasted your time.

Right now, you are treating a symptom, not curing the cause. But you can.

If you don't want to try the cure, you can at least cut the cost of the reflux med you're using by substituting baking soda. A pinch stops acid immediately. It is powerful enough to neutralize battery acid, please test this and see for yourself. But, cheap and effective relief that it is, it's still a bandaid not a cure.

Excessive or long-term use of antacids inhibits calcium absorption. Even if you eat eggshells and cuttle bone daily the calcium will never reach your bones. You will experience loss of bone density and increase the chance of developing brittle bones. Now you have a real reason to fear falling. A broken hip is nearly always a death sentence because bones can't heal without calcium. May God bless you with a good recovery and thanks for what you do here

Justin_O_Guy said...

What ~mississloppigarro is saying is, best I can tell, spot on. The discomfort I felt reading about the fermentation and bubbling up? Yeah,, gross,, but sounds reasonable.
I was getting the reflux stuff. Sometimes it was like a hot poker in the throat. Dr.ran a camera up my nose and down the throat. An inflamed, swole up and very angry area around the vocal cords was seen. Gotta say, that part of the anatomy is not attractive. Swole up, irritated and pisstawff? Ohh,ugly..

I followed the instructions. Stopped all dairy. Stopped peanuts.
Without any other change I started seeing weight loss. In six months I was down about twenty pounds. Might have been sooner.
After a coupla years I can have a glass of milk occasionally and sour cream on the potato with no problems.
I never stopped using butter. Didn't cut back. And, no,I didn't misspell margarine.

wendyworn said...

what are you doing up this late justin? I got up at 3am cuz I couldn't get back to sleep. but now that it is 5am -im going back to bed. have a good day!

Justin_O_Guy said...

Dammo eyelids did that cartoon blind thing,, you know, pull it down, think it's set, let go and it flies up? Yeah, 1:30 and I'm Up.. Dammitall.. So, I've been busying myself, searching the Internet for people who are Wrong.. And they're just Everywhere! It's like being surrounded,, it's A target rich environment!