Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Kitchen Timers Revisited

When I posted about kitchen timers the other day, I did a Bing search for kitchen timers for the sole purpose of getting a picture to post on the blog. See above. (To answer Justin's question from yesterday, I found the lost timer in one of the bins in the bedroom that I had been working on. Mystery solved.)

Since then, I would estimate that almost half of the ads I see on various websites are now for kitchen timers. I guess Williams Sonoma has a really nice stainless steel kitchen timer according to one ad I saw. I was actually tempted to click on that ad just to see how much they cost. Of course, I won't click it because I am completely against the targeted advertising that has literally changed the internet into one big marketing scheme.

This is nothing new. I started seeing it a couple years ago when I worked at a certain company. I would google the company website to see about new job openings and next thing I knew, ads for the company were all over the place, including in my email.

It could be worse:

Here is a deep dive if you are interested:

Anyway – take care out there.


Cederq said...

A Faraday cage in your bedroom is now a must. They can't leave us alone. Intrusive and persistent advertisement does the exact opposite to me. I refuse to buy and use products because of that. There are stores, because of their slimy ads, woke advertisements, pride and thug worshiping I will not step a foot into. I am actually considering a encompassing whole apartment Faraday cage and buying a bunch of aluminum foil to shield my brain...

wendyworn said...

does aluminum foil work as well as tin foil did? I often wonder about the answer to that question. We should also invest in some lead based paint. watch the movie eraser with arnold swartzenegger sometime.

clayusmcret said...

Never search without Duck Duck Go and AdGuard.

Cederq said...

I have the movie Eraser on disk. Predictive programming for $1000 Alex?

Anonymous said...

Go to a restaurant supply store they sell Al foil in 2 foot wide rolls x 509ft long and its a bit thicker than the stuff they sell for home use.

I have a frequency detector and was surprised 5 years ago by home much stuff is putting out a signal.