Monday, July 8, 2024

Bye Bye BitChute

It use to be, back in the day, that I could go to Twitter (now X) and read what people wrote there and the comments. Then one day, I was no longer able to read it unless I signed in, giving them my name, phone number, email account, etc. Since I didn't really use Twitter and only read a couple of people's posts, it was no big deal to just stop going there. Now I can only read X post's if someone embeds it on their website. I figured, no big loss.

Unfortunately, in a way, the same thing has been done to Bitchute. Bitchute use to be an excellent alternative to You Tube. There was minimal censorship and a lot of good truth tellers had channels there. One was Amazing Polly. She hasn't been posting lately, but the screen grab above was from her channel. As you can see, since July 1st, you can only watch Bitchute videos if you accept their cookies.

Now, cookies have been around practically as long as computers have been and we have just gotten use to accepting them. But we are in a war now, and I don't trust cookies to not be one more thing weaponized against us. So why now? Why all of a sudden do you have to accept cookies to watch Bitchute videos? 

Just doing a Bing search on what cookies are brings up this:

Computer cookies are small files used by web servers to:

Save browsing information

Remember your device

Store browser preferences

Track user activity

Enhance web navigation

Enable personalized user experiences based on stored data about user’s preferences.

Of course it is tracking your activity. It was always designed to do that. Exactly what activity isn't defined but I'm sure any and all activities on the website and off the website will be tracked. I know they are already tracking every keystoke but why help them out?

Now, I can still watch new videos from these channels but I can't scroll down farther than the little cookie message. So anyone new coming to these channels and wanting to watch any older videos will have to accept the cookies in order to continue. Just one more incremental way the noose is tightening and the internet is just a little less free. Sigh.

Take care out there. 


Anonymous said...

Set your browser to delete cookies when you turn it off

Cederq said...

I too do not accept them. If I can't read/watch/comment without accepting their tracking devices I figure, say la vee... You can add software to your system by the way of cookies, yup, scary ain't it? Cookies, the gift that keeps on giving and modifying your behavior and site choices and will snitch on you in a picosecond.

Anonymous said...

As the anon said above Cederq, set the browser (hope you are not using edge) to delete cookies automatically when you close the browser. Not just closing the tab, the entire browser. Also set the browser to NOT remembering sessions when you restart it. That alone takes care of the cookies, at least as far as I understand it ( and I have been in IT for awhile now ).

Of course, if you think I may be incorrect, please let me know.....always open to learning new things.


Anonymous said...

Keep browser content blocking on STRICT. I use Firefox. You have the option to temporarily turn off Strict to reach some sites, but don't accept their cookies.Clear cache and history before logging off but after you've disconnected from wifi. Wifi or tethering more secure than connecting via Bluetooth. Do this every session.

When offline, click on your own computer's search option. Type in and search for " trashinfo " without the quotation marks. It's usually a hidden folder containing a bit of memory of everything you've deleted in Trash. Open that folder, click on all of them, move them to TRASH. The go to Trash and click on Empty Trash. Do this as often as you'd like. Some days you won't have any results, they take a while, then the next time there will be many of them.

Hope this helps some.

wendyworn said...

thanks anon - that does help