Tuesday, July 16, 2024


An intermezzo was what happened during acts of a play back in the old, old times. I'm sure they won't just let all that pent up energy from The Event just die out. Why let a good potential crisis go to waste?

As an observer, it still surprises me to this day that, no matter how many red pills a person has taken in the past, it only takes one small situation on the world stage for people to start popping the blue pills again.

So, this intermezzo is brought to you in lieu of a different kind of pill. The Chill Pill.


Justin_O_Guy said...

Whoda ever Guessed someone would couple Space Invaders with playing piano? Nice sound, and the artist was able to defeat Every attack by hitting the right key and holding for The necessary amount of time.

Cederq said...

I tend to like Prologues and Epilogues...

MrHappy said...

Nice, soothing, Brahms.

LargeMarge said...

One of my favorite pieces.
My favorite version with Romanian virtuoso Radu Lupu (enjoy the tempo and touch; his dynamics are impeccable):