I can't sleep. My head keeps thinking about the Budget Rental truck and how I will put my furniture and boxes into it in the most efficient way. I keep wondering if a 10 foot truck will be big enough to fit it all in. It is ironic since I came here less than two years ago with only my guitar, my backpack and one suitcase. But I do not feel led to get rid of all the furniture. I believe I will have need of it in the future and I have a friend back home who said I can store my stuff in her garage for free. I will be staying at my parents at the beginning anyway.
I had a job interview on Friday via Skype. I didn't think it went very well. It was blurry and there was a delay and I felt the three interviewers were very stiff and humorless. Maybe I don't want that job anyway. Regardless - the Lord is in charge of all those details and maybe it is just another confirmation that I need to move to Oregon first and then be able to go on interviews in person - I'm pretty sure the camera adds 45 pounds or so anyway - something like that.
I have another week before I can leave. I wanted to move this week but with the Memorial day holiday it made it hard to return the truck and would have cost extra so I will have to move after the holiday. But now my aunt and I may drive up to Greybull that weekend so I can see my grandparents one last time before I leave the state.
I found a buyer for my van. It is sad to see it go because I love that van and all the adventures I had in it. But it is a gas hog and would not do well in all the Portland traffic. My mom has a hybrid that she is not driving right now and my parents said that I can drive her car for as long as I need it.
Friday was my last day at work although I had basically checked out the day I gave my notice. That place really screwed me over and I really felt that I just needed to get the hell out of there before they were able to screw me over again. I feel a huge sense of relief that I never have to go back to that place.
I'm not sure if I will be posting again before I move. The cable will be shut off and I have to return the equipment on Thursday so I will have my last couple days here without internet. I don't know if I can survive without the internet! (kidding) So most likely I will post again from the road - I'm pretty sure I will be staying at a hotel at least once if not twice on the way home. My parents and my sister wanted to send my nephew out to help me with the drive but it really would have been more of a hardship on me to have him with than to just do the drive myself. I know the Lord is on the drive with me so I am not worried about the trip at all. My family seem to be doing any worrying for me.
Anyway please pray for my trip and the move and everything.
Love in Christ!
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