Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Must Be Tuesday

Yesterday I couldn't do a post because the amount of absolute bullshit out there on every front was frankly, overwhelming. 

Patara really knows what is going on, I'm going to let her say it best:


bob said...

Great video, I hope people take heed to it, you are right over the target.
My only disagreement is that we are already in WW3, it has started, and the USA has no way to back out now(due to current incompetent leadership).
For all those who didn't like mean tweets, you reap what you sow.
I hope and pray that doesn't mean Flag Draped Coffins.

wendyworn said...

I hope so too.

Cederq said...

So overwhelming that where do you go to lose your sanity? Sometimes it is best to step back, ignore it knowing you know the bullpucky is out there and it isn't going away. When you have corralled those two errant brain cells that insist to spin backward and you need them focused, then look upon the horror and smile, your most evil smile because that is what it is going to defeat this evil, a different, more powerful evil that can only come from God, God smited a lot of evil SOBs in his day...

wendyworn said...

yes He did lol

Steve said...

Remember about 3-4 months ago; all the bru-ha about aliens etc?
That was just a ploy by the elites to soften up the susceptible sheeple. They planted that notion in people's minds so they could use it as an excuse for what's happening now.
My take? Ain't no such thing as aliens or craft or whatever. The objects are stealth information gathering devices. Both theirs and ours. They are being shot down because they have hit their life limit. And this covert operation has been going on for years. They are just using the alien angle to cover their tracks.
Oh, I haven't seen any video of the ones being shot down....do you really want to believe those lying bastards?

wendyworn said...

that's how I feel too Steve and no I don't believe them for a second!