Monday, March 27, 2023

Sound and Resilient

Janet Yellen called an emergency meeting with top government and banking officials on Friday. I didn't find out about it until yesterday. When all was said and done, they declared the banking system "sound and resilient". I don't know - does that sound like "safe and effective" to you?

Today could be interesting, or nothing big could happen. We just don't know.

PANIC: Yellen Calls Emergency Banking Meeting!
According to Southern Prepper1, the president of Kenya is telling his people to get out of the dollar. So I guess we shall see what happens.
Continue prepping and praying.
Take care out there.


Cederq said...

Weasel words, "Sound and Resilient?" I have never heard about our banking and economy described in such a fashion. They all lie, so what's to differentiate any word that comes out of any elites pie hole. They couldn't tell the truth even under extreme torture and the threat of them spontaneously igniting in a fiery maelstrom hence the truth slipped past their reptilian lips.

wendyworn said...

It is so ridiculous. why even say anything? of course the public are all asleep. they will have an extreme rude awakening when the dollar crashes