Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The Patty Melt Incident

I probably shouldn't even talk about this, but it was a toss up between this and the many theories surrounding Lloyd Austin's disappearance. The one about medical complications due to transitioning is my favorite so far.

I'd been thinking of making patty melts for a couple of days. I had half a white onion in the crisper that I would slice and grill up in butter, a pound of ground beef thawing in the fridge and some pumpernickel (dark rye) bread. I told my husband I was going to make them once we ate up the current leftovers.

Yesterday, when it was time to start making them, my husband said, “Put chili on mine.”


“Chili does not go on a patty melt,” I told him. “Do you know what a patty melt is?”

His argument was that it was like a chili dog or chili burger. My counter argument was, no, it is not. It started to escalate into an actual fight, until I told him I would put chili on his and didn't want to talk about it anymore. Despite possible evidence to the contrary, this is not Wendy's Bar & Grill and the fact that I had to add a second pan to the stove top pissed me off to no end.

I proceeded to make the most beautiful patty melts in the world. I then literally destroyed one with the addition of a ladle full of chili from a can.

After almost 10 years of marriage, you would think he would know better, but then he asked, “Did you mean to put two pieces of bread on it?”

“It's a patty melt. It's supposed to have two pieces of bread.”

“If I'd known this was a cheeseburger, I would have made it with just one slice of bread.”

I kept my mouth shut to keep the nuclear Bitch Level 10 event going off inside my head from leaking out into the real world.

Then I ate the best tasting patty melt I've had in my life. I actually felt sorry for him, but he did ask for it (insisted).

I'm totally ready for the end of the world.

Take care out there.



Cederq said...

That is blasphemous! No one, no one puts chili on a patty melt! Maybe some Thousand Island dressing on it, but not chili.

I am glad for the information and listing like Def-Con levels of nuclear Bitch Levels and 10 I assume is top notch... I will endeavor to perceiver and never initiate the countdown.

I like patty melts! Better then hamburgers actually.

wendyworn said...

I know chili and patty melts is no all the way around. I'll keep you posted on whether or not bitch levels are rising. lol.

wendyworn said...

and I did eat my patty melt with 1000 island. it was so good.

Craig said...

Thanks for the meal idea. Wife and I both love pattymelts, mmmmmm.

wendyworn said...

just leave off the chili craig

Deathray said...

I’m a vegan and find this topic offensive.

wendyworn said...

sorry. i'm not clicking that

Cederq said...

Don't mind Deathray, he is offensive... You can click on that! I wouldn't click on anonymouse's yube tube link,, isn't a proper yube tube URL.

wendyworn said...

seems kinda phishy

clayusmcret said...

His loss. The traditional Patty Melt is a pinnacle delicacy.

Justin_O_Guy said...

EauxMuGaawd,, I feel your pain. The wife doesn't like more than a near imperceptible amount of bell pepper in meatloaf. So I get it in the bowl and let her add the bell pepper. I put it all in the baking dish and leveled out, split it, back to the bowl with my half, add onions, garlic, bell pepper to make me happy, Aaand Back to the dish we go. There are other places where I have to use a second pan,, Ohh, but Owell.. That's not likely to be a problem for much longer.

I was looking for the 1000 island at the store and all they had was
850 Island, and it cost More than I was expecting. The stocker was putting things out so I asked him What's the deal with this
850 Island stuff?
He just shrugged and said
Bidenomics, man..

wendyworn said...

Hahaha! that's funny!

Justin_O_Guy said...

Ohh,I was so busy with being a wiseass I forgot to mention something I discovered. The silicone rings that are meant for frying eggs in make a great mold for burger patties. It's so easy to get them uniform and they keep the patty together while it firms up, so they don't break when it's time to flip them. Let it cook a while before you carefully give it a few little Let Go of the Meat wiggles. The color should be getting around half way. You Could flip it with the ring on, just rotate the handle down.

Follow me for more ridiculous tips and tricks in the kitchen.
I've never done a patty melt. Don't think I've ever eaten one, so I'm gonna have to go check that out.

wendyworn said...

they are yummy and thanks for the tips

JL said...

Sloppy joes would have been a decent compromise.

Just sayin'....

MrHappy said...

I can understand the feeling, can't tell you how many times MrsHappy almost wore her dinner!