Monday, March 4, 2024

Hello Everyone!

Hope you all are well. I had a very busy week. Only got about half way through organizing and going through my husband's tools. He had a lot more than I thought he did. Rearranged my kitchen and cleaned all my kitchen drawers. When I lifted out my silverware organizer, there was about a thousand little blue rubber bands. I don't know how they got under there but they are all gone now.

I also had several really good job interviews and even jumped through some preliminary hoops. The graveyard shift job reappeared after a month (I guess the manager was out sick the whole time.) So I am still waiting to hear something definitively.

I collected many links to share, too many to wait until Friday so here they are:

Firefighters CAUGHT SCRUBBING SmartMeter FIRE Articles! ?This is SCANDALOUS!

Experts Agree: Let Them Eat Dinner Flakes!

Red Cross Wants Your Help With Their Cell & Gene Therapy Solutions

Political Conflict in the Age of Psychic Warfare

Chile DEWS or "SMART" WILDFIRES? Offering Citizens $10,000 to Get a SMART METER?

The Gemini Killer

Amarillo, TX Slated for SMART CITY Status

Texas "Wildfires" -- Here we Go Again!

Some People Like This, and Always Will

Spring Arrives in Texas + The Panhandle Fires & BIOCIDAL DEATH CULT of the Universal Goddess

The Sin Of AI Is Access

Take care out there.


Eraser said...

There is certainly no shortage of evil out there; it is every where you look. I can scarcely tell people the truth anymore, as if they have been so programmed to accept lies they can't reconcile any truth.

Sounds like you are getting some good action on job front; something has to pop! We'll keep praying for you. About those blue rubber bands...

Be blessed-

wendyworn said...

thanks eraser!

clayusmcret said...

Good luck with the job search. Personally, I loved the graveyard shift. Not a single tie-wearing person in sight.

Cederq said...

"All they can do is doomscroll." Eyes wide shut, I see myself in that statement. I must think more clearly and quietly on this. All the links gave me some more perspective to consider, thank you Wendy(L). I knew we are the target of a vastly gross psyop and what it's effect. It is the third and forth order effects you must prep for, the first two orders are easy to dismiss, It is in the details, buried where the higher orders are harder to fathom and harder to understand the complete chaos and destruction of all we hold dear. It ain't never gonna be the 1950s anymore. More like 1887, right after the Civil War where the power was being consolidated, laws and policies put in place to punish and subjugate the Southern peoples and states. The Civil war was a banker's war, the South opposed the Tariffs the Northern states and congress wanted to enhance the revenue stream and grift. The wars since have been all banker wars meant to eventually subjugate the rest of the country and as many other countries it could under it' imperial reach(Star Wars anybody?) We are now the rebels, scum that that is. I am now looking for those supposed and threatening drones with small pockets of explosives swirling around...