Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Best Time Ever

I was up late last night, spending every last moment I could with my sisters. They are now on a plane, going back in time, towards home. We discovered that this was the very first time in our lives that we ever had a sisters weekend. Words can't even describe what an absolutely wonderful vacation it was, but I will attempt to post our adventures over the next couple days. It's amazing how much fun you can squeeze out of three days. Such a good time.

For today though, I'm kind of exhausted. All the little things that have piled up while I've been gone need to be dealt with, including the fact that my new Kansas license plates arrived but not the new title. So at some point before my temp plates expire I will need to go back to the DMV and find out what the status is. Tomorrow maybe.

All the high end munchies from the weekend are in my fridge all willy-nilly, so that will need to be organized. My sisters had bought pints of Ben and Jerry's after they had dropped me off one of the nights.

“Ben and Jerry's is NOT bioengineered,” my little sister tells me. “Yeah,” I said, “but they have said some pretty douchy stuff in the past that warrants a boycott.”

Not that I'm not going to eat it. Ha Ha. Those pints are chilling in my freezer right now. Can't let good ice cream go to waste.

I really needed this sister weekend and my sisters tell me that they did too. I feel refreshed and inspired and have lots of new things to write about. I will post again soon.

Take care out there.


Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

I love pugs. Had a half pug rat terrier once. He was a fun little badass. Bought him for my youngest daughter. Yes they are shedding machines but the rumba was a savior

Cederq said...

Reality sucks... just stay in your fantasies! It won't matter in the long run.

Justin_O_Guy said...

You were excited about it,, and it didn't disappoint. How cool.. A good vacation Should require a day or two to recuperate. The ice cream will give you time to reflect on your time with your sisters. Ben and Jerry already Have the money.. So,, there is no moral gain in Not enjoying it. All douchiness aside,, and there is plenty of it.