Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Golden Gecko Award

My sisters and I went out to breakfast at Joe Snuffy's place on Sunday morning. I had a half order of biscuits and gravy with a side of sausage. It was so good. Then we drove around to see some of the local towns. We explored Abilene, Chapman and Enterprise, then went to Junction City so that my little sister could go to Aldi's.

We stopped by the grocery store and stocked up on high end munchies like french bread, goat cheese and organic olives and went back to the little house on the lake. We spent the afternoon playing Hand and Foot. It's a card game that we played all the time when we were teenagers. My sister had to look up how to play on her phone, since we all needed a refresher course.

Later, my middle sister toasted some of the french bread with olive oil. She made two different kinds of crostinis. One had goat cheese, sliced strawberries and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar glaze. The other had Laughing Cow cheese, chopped tomatoes and fresh basil. Both were yummy, but the strawberry kind was my favorite.

I went down the hall to use the bathroom. Standing between me and the toilet was a golden shimmering gecko. He was big, almost seven inches long. Neither one of us expected to see the other. We stood there looking at each other for a few moments before the little guy started freaking out. He ran around the bathroom bumping up against the wall and then flipped over on his back. Dead. Or, so he would have me believe.

It was an award winning performance, including his little arm sticking up in the air, with a couple of twitches for dramatic effect. I called my sisters in to see it. One took some pictures and even made a couple videos.

He died a couple more times for entertainment purposes, each time better than the last. Later, he did an encore when my sister found that he could crawl under the bathroom door and ended up in the closet. She decided to name him Paully, after some gangster from a movie or tv show. He's still crawling around there somewhere.

Take care out there.


Cederq said...

It doesn't take much to entertain ya'll! What would be entertaining is ya'lls go in for your 4am pee and he runs across your foot and then "dies"...

Deathray said...

Obviously it got into the pharmaceutical supply.

Birdchaser said...

That's a Skink. Maybe a Ground Skink or Five lined .

Tree Mike said...

Awww, poor dead...and dead again gecko. I've been the reptile kid since 1962 and never ran across such innovative lizards. Glad yer getting some (I'm sure) much needed sister time. Such visits can be very rejuvenating.

wendyworn said...

wow! I've never heard of a skink before! Thanks for letting me know!

Bear Claw Chris Lapp said...

Sounds like you girls had a good time and a little free entertainment. Good onya

Justin_O_Guy said...

The Drama teacher in school would like those videos. Teach kids how to commit to a scene,,and if it doesn't feel like it worked, By Gawd,,do it Again.. With Feelz this time..