Sunday, October 6, 2024

I'm Back

When I wrote my last blog post, I was thinking of waiting at least a month before posting again so I wrote 10.6.24 on my to do list. I've thought about posting before now, but I couldn't tell if it was me or the Lord that set the October 6th deadline. Thought I better stay on the safe side.

Ironically, I went on a job interview on Tuesday, October 1st and got the call with the job offer on Oct 4th. I was actually surprised to hear from them so fast. The job is contingent on whether or not I pass the drug test tomorrow, and since it has been a couple weeks since I've eaten any poppy seed dressing, I should be able to safely say, the job is mine.

I'd like to thank everyone for all their prayers for the last month. On Sept. 25th, I had no money for rent and was beginning to worry, but at the end of the day, there was a thousand dollar donation from a very special friend in my account, enough for rent and to make the credit card payments. The Lord is never late. I should have at least one paycheck from the new job before rent is due again. Thank God.

This devastating situation in East Tennessee and North Carolina is absolutely heartbreaking. Weather warfare that has been perfected to target this area is so evil it makes your head spin. People will be recovering from this for a long time, and some will never recover. I'm not familiar with this guy, but just found him on the side bar this morning, but he has some good information as we enter Day 7 or 8.

The only thing I disagree with him is, we are NOT voting our way out of this. This is another attack from the enemy, plain and simple. Please continue to pray for those affected.

Take care out there.

1 comment:

ian j said...

Good to have you back and well done for getting the job. I hope it works out and things start getting better for you (and all those suffering in NC)