Wednesday, January 22, 2025


It was just time. To brave the mountains of snow between me and the park's bathroom. It's 5:15am. I have time to take a shower before work. I'm halfway there when my foot goes down into the snow and I land on my butt. Definitely wont be taking that way back.

But the shower was hot and it felt good to have clean hair again. It's been two and a half weeks since we had water in our home. It went out fast this year. It warmed up enough a couple days ago for things to thaw and us discover that we have a significant leak (spray), somewhere. We turned off the water coming in. We will have to wait until there is a stretch of time where it will be warm consistently to call the RV repair guy. I'm pretty sure he hates us.

My father in law came out for a visit in July. We knew something was off but weren't sure. He told the same story a couple of times and didn't really respond to conversations like he use to. I really felt he shouldn't be driving.

Last month he was found unresponsive on his kitchen floor and was taken to the hospital. Rapid onset dementia. I know you want to ask the question. Yes, he was fully v'd and boostered. I guess he hadn't taken any of his medications or paid any of his bills for several months. The hospital couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. They thought maybe it was from not taking his thyroid medicine. Because we can't talk about what might cause rapid onset dementia these days. We can't talk about injuries he got from his compliance with nefarious agendas. We can't even bring it up as a possibility. Sometimes I really hate this evil world.

My father in law died last night.

While people were celebrating the swearing in of the father of the vaccine as our next American president, one more victim of warp speed became a statistic. While the country celebrates the pardoning of the J6 actors so they can collect their Go Fund Me accounts, the plans for our enslavement are being put in place. The new digital currency is waiting in the background for implementation. They say 2025 is the year when it all goes down. We should listen to what they say.

Take care out there.

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