Saturday, February 18, 2023


Interior Department Now Offering ‘Ecogrief’ Training For Employees

The fact that this is a “real” story and not satire from the Babylon Bee speaks volumes about the state of our country and government. It is past time to dismantle these extra constitutional departments if this is the kind of thing they are spending our hard-earned tax dollars on. Who are the big babies who are taking this training? Ridiculous. The comments on the article are pretty funny.

Le Sigh.


bob said...

How about helping the people of OHIO, wheres that Department????
They help everyone except Americans.
Screw us and send it to the border and Overseas.

wendyworn said...

yep. we are screwed.

Cederq said...

All it is the "feelz" The leftest don't give a shit about the ecosystems of Earth, only if supports an agenda. Look at leftest cities, disgusting trash heaps, even the ecoterrorists destroy equipment and structures, it puts un-imaginable pollutants in the soil and air, look at what they did in Ohio! It is all cover and a band aid for these sub-human retarded progressives and left wienies, there is no living with them.

wendyworn said...

and they are completely incapable of seeing the hypocrisy. they are delusional