Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Not Crazy After All

Here is the latest from Patara. Please pray for her. She recently found out she possibly has skin cancer and has had to slow down a little. 

Below is the video she referenced:


Cederq said...

The billionaires are calling him and want him or someone he knows to put it together and do the hard work. Pfft... This all collapses your money isn't squat, join the rest of us peons that have some skills at scrounging, make do and fix something to work. You will learn to eat poke-weed, dandelions, scarfing wild rose hips for vitamin C, digging up grubs and frying them up with wild garlic and wild potatoes and cattail flour pancakes. Stuff I learned while a boy scout and E&E(escape and evasion) survival courses in the military. Learn to trap and snare, run a trout line, country boys will survive. Don't know many billionaire good 'ol country boys...

wendyworn said...

I'm with you except for the grubs part. I will not eat ze bugs, no matter how hungry I get as a matter of principle. I do have a yard full of dandelions in the spring tho...

Cederq said...

Grubs supply animal protein when other sources are scarce. Why you want to season with wild garlic and dandelion heads... I can keep ya fed and tummy somewhat full, it ain't gourmet food or steaks and ribs guarantee... I have eaten banana slugs, so nothing is off the table when you are hungry and starving.

wendyworn said...

hmmmm, doubling down on the idea eh Cederq? I don't care how much wild garlic and dandelion heads you add. I. am. not. eating. the bugs. no way no how.

Cederq said...

You eat shrimp and lobster? Aquatic crustaceans... sea bugs. I will stop now, don't want you to spam ban me...

wendyworn said...