Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Poisoning

I have talked at length about the poisoning of the food supply with bioengineered ingredients etc. I have been trying to clear out all food that contains chemicals and other horrible things. I believe there is an active agenda to poison us and make us sick. I was not expecting that they would target my dog as well.

Ever since we got this dog – going on five years – we have fed her Beneful Healthy Weight dog food made by Purina. A couple months ago she suddenly stopped eating like she regularly did. Her food bowl would sit there – full of food for as long as possible. If you understood this dog's relationship to food, you would know that this was very unusual behavior. She puked a couple times – huge piles of puke that make a person (that would be me) gag as they had to clean it up.

It was ironically around the time that people with backyard chickens noticed that their flocks had stopped laying eggs and traced it back to the Purina brand chicken food. Once they switched to a new brand of food, their hens started laying again.

So, I made an emergency trip to the store for a different brand of dog food. I ended up getting Best Choice dog food in a green bag. Best Choice is a local generic brand made right here in Kansas. She started eating it right away and the puking stopped. Phew.

The next time I went to the store they were completely out of the Best Choice dog food. Not a single bag in sight so I picked up a different generic brand. It also made her quit eating and start puking. Luckily when I went back to the store they had the Best Choice brand back in stock and I bought a couple bags. I will need to stock up on more while it is available.

This is the reality we find ourselves in lately. I will, most likely, never buy another Purina brand for the rest of my life. Just another company we can add to the list. (Oh and in an unrelated story – I guess North Face has decided to get a tranny spokesmanperson now as well. I guess they will never learn. I wasn't buying their products anyway)

Take care out there.


Steve said...

When I was still on the farm, I rescued a female German Shepard. She was constantly licking and gnawing at her feet.
I switched her to Eukanuba dog food. At that time $30 per bag. She stopped that paw thing.

wendyworn said...

interesting that you would mention licking her paw because we have had problems with our dog licking her paw. I did not see the correlation before - but the paw licking started around the time she was having issues with the food. hopefully this will stop it.

Cederq said...

Since I have become aware of the poison in our food and have been active in finding food that is fairly pure at this point, I am feeling a difference.

wendyworn said...

me too cederq - and so is my sister who is doing the same

Steve said...

Cederq....have you stopped licking your paws or just "softening around the edges"?