Friday, May 12, 2023

Who is this Woman?

Who is this Woman?

The new CEO for Twitter? I mean here is the back story if you want to look it up. It is probably fake like everything else. Every time I see the above picture I can only think of one thing.

This guy:

There are rumors around in conspiracy theorist's back file cabinets that the Mona Lisa was actually a self portrait of Leonardo Da Vinci in drag. Of course back then they were a little more subtle about it by today's standards.

I'm just saying. I can't seem to un-see it.



Cederq said...

Well, she ain't sleeping in my bed or wasting valuable real estate on my bathroom counter and she ain't my type, but I know she is the club we aren't allowed to join. I saw her name earlier but kinda looks like Elon in drag...

wendyworn said...

yes is looks like elon in drag! that was the whole point of the post lol

wendyworn said...

maybe I didn't make it clear -

Cederq said...

I understood the subtle nuance you were emanating, but I had to spout some snarky diatribe, well, just to be smart butt... I still wouldn't allow her/him/it to clog my bathroom counter real estate.