Tuesday, April 19, 2022

At a Loss

I've wanted to post a blog for the last several days. But I am literally at a loss for what to write about. 

Not that there isn't “news” out there. It's all a psy-op and frankly I don't even care anymore. Shall I discuss the big controversies? I mean – Elon Musk for example. Who cares? The guy is a big douche who ultimately wants to put chips in people's heads and hook us all up to his Neurolink. The screaming masses on both sides are all in on the twitter discussion. That guy is just a figurehead but even so – he is not “our guy” no matter what people think.

The stand with Ukraine hysteria is starting to ebb. Of course, cv is still around, and they may try to ramp it up again. I really think the true window of opportunity on that one has passed. You aren't going to get most people to put on a mask again. Unfortunately, the ones that are wearing one never stopped. They don't know what to do with themselves now that they can't berate people in the canned food aisle at the grocery store. 

I read an excellent rant here the other day. History does tell us what happens when you let communists take over your country. It always ends the same way. Will they try to starve us? It's on the table. Use the Nukes (don't worry, that one won't happen, but go ahead and get under your desk if you feel the need. Whatever good that will do you). God forbid they try to use the alien invasion. Thank God we are fully armed in this country. They will never be able to go door to door.

My husband is doing really well. I almost forget that he is so sick, until he needs help standing up to go to the bathroom. He can't stand on his own and the trip is very shaky. But I am thankful for every day he is still with us. He's binge watching Heartland, and since my office is in the same room with him, I am too. Nice wholesome show actually, but the commercials are all gay. I mean really gay – advertising the show “Men in Hollywood”. I've seen that commercial way too many times and I would prefer the TV just stays off.

So I guess we are all in a holding pattern. Keep your tank full and buy extra cans of soup while you can. Keep looking up, your redemption draws near. Take care out there. 


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