Saturday, April 23, 2022

The Future is Here

This TED talk occurred six years ago. From April 25 - May 12, 2022, the Army will be running a test of their swarming drone technology:

Army to Test its Biggest Interactive Drone Swarm Ever Over Utah

These tests have a habit of going live. You really should read that article. This is the Army and Darpa in cahoots with un-named international partnerships. Here is their sanctioned promotional video:

Remember we are the enemy. This is one of the things they will use against us in the coming days. They are far more advanced than what they are showing you in these videos. Here is a sample:

The videos speak for themselves. I actually don't know what to say. Get right with the Lord while you still can. If you live in Utah, you might want to take a little vacation. Take care out there.

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