Monday, April 1, 2024

Barges and Bridges

So what is going on these days with barges hitting bridges? Seems seriously suspect to me. I have read several deep dives on the oddities surrounding the whole Baltimore incident. This was a good post from A Wrinkle in Tom's site: The Killing Moon, that touches on some of the more esoteric symbolism. The irony of the fact that the name of the bridge was the Francis Scott Key bridge, after the guy who wrote the Star Spangled Banner was not lost on me. Is someone trying to tell us that America is going down? Heard that threat many, many times.

There are a multitude of rabbit holes people who have the time for such things (not me!) can dig into. The ship was out of Singapore. (Did we piss them off lately?) The captain was Ukrainian, because of course he was, why wouldn't he be? The company who owns the ship is named Grace Ocean Private just to name a few starting points for those that want to get their hands dirty. But as far as I'm concerned, don't bother wasting your time. I'll tell you who is responsible for this. The enemy.

Was is a true accident? Sabotage? Cyberattack? It doesn't even matter at this point. What is important is, now we have a bridge completely destroyed and a fairly strategic port that is cut off. Before the dust had even settled the fake president declared that they would Build Back Better. Just like all the other places that have been destroyed in the last couple years.

Speaking of which, thought I'd check that webpage I favorited that listed all the upcoming smart cities that are planned, to see if Baltimore was on it. Well, what do you know? The list has been erased. Now why would they do that? Maybe the list was just a little too obvious. People might start to get suspicious.

I guess this whole barges hitting bridges is becoming a thing now since it happened again in both Arkansas and Oklahoma over the weekend. The bridges are open again, but still. What is that saying if it happens a third time? Yep, enemy action. It's all part of the new normal everyone is talking about. Pretty soon it will be just like all the big food production plants that just happened to blow up all over the county. Last I checked it was over 200 and counting. But nothing to see here, move along.

Stock up on everything you can. Pray with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds. The enemy's time is almost up.

Take care out there.


Eraser said...

We are definitely treading on the bones of a dying world. I 'spect things are going to get pretty sporting in the months to come. My advice- beyond preparing as you see fit - is to, as always, enjoy the day you're in. Be safe out there shoppers!

Anonymous said...

Two points to make.
1) Oklahoma bridge was on the Arkansas river, there was not a barge incident in Arkansas.

2) Singapore is effectively owned by the cpp. And yes we have pissed off China, mostly by us existing.


wendyworn said...

thanks for the correction exile! see I don't have time to read this stuff. my bad.

Cederq said...

Barges and ships/boats have been hitting bridges, abutments, pilings, breakwaters, shore..., what ever man builds into the water, a man will hit it. Now, are they coordinating piling into vulnerable bridges at greatly impact infrastructure? I think so, I wouldn't past them. When invading armies swept through a land, critical infrastructure, bridges(if they can't keep possession of them) communications, power, and buildings. Are we seeing the first onslaught of the invaders and war beginning? Yup.

Tree Mike said...

Afeared I must concur.