Saturday, November 30, 2024

Demonic Technology

This is an excellent video from Lookoutfa Charlie, who does a lot of research on frequencies and technology currently being used against us. My only difference of opinion from him is he believes that it isn't demons, it's technology, specifically A.I. I believe the technology itself is demonic and has nefarious purposes. It's a good video none the less. (Language warning)


Cederq said...

In therapy, we would use specific frequencies and tones to induce different levels of consciences and states of mind, particularly calming and less aggressive posturing. It could be used to affect other states of mind and for control. It is a powerful tool. What do you think elevator music and overhead music being played in stores for? They want you calm, agreeable and civil for you to buy, buy, buy. This is technology taken to the next level. All a part of mass programming...

wendyworn said...

yes. it is very wicked

Anonymous said...

Sean Ryan just released a podcast where he interviewed this fellow who is an ordained Catholic Priest and Exorcist. Fascinating interview, the entire thing is worth your time to watch/listen to.... but the Priest touched on some of these kinds of questions.