Friday, September 24, 2021

Day 4: Part Two: Thieving in Rawlins


“Of course they have no ice.” I said sarcastically to my husband as I brought in the groceries and the new cooler. You would think a superstore in a fairly big town would have ice. “But it was only $77 altogether.”

Wait. Hmmm. Suddenly $77 didn't seem right. I looked at the receipt. The lady at the superstore had only charged me $6.35 for an item that is normally $66.35. Darn. I was going to have to go back.

I walked across the superstore parking lot and found the same checker who had undercharged me. I showed her the receipt. “I'm sorry,” I said, “you undercharged me and I'm here to pay the rest.” She was shocked. In fact, she was so flustered that her glasses got all fogged up from her mask. “Thank you for your honesty.” she said, “most people wouldn't do that.” I thought, I know, but just smiled at her and paid for the rest.

We loaded up the cooler and had a yummy breakfast of Swiss cheese slices and the best green grapes ever. They were so cold and crisp. It was turning out to be a great day. I gave the dog one of the grapes and we laughed at her trying to eat it. I think she liked it.

We continued down the road and luckily a little gas station had block ice – which was what we wanted. Our make-shift fridge was operational.

We found a little RV park outside of Cheyenne. My husband is wiped out from all the driving for the last 3 days and really needed an early night. We didn't have a reservation but the office girl had one 30 amp pull trough spot left (Thank you Lord!)

We are resting tonight and will hit the road again early tomorrow.

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