Monday, September 27, 2021

Step After Step

When I woke up this morning it was 5am (central time). My husband was already up, re-taping the overflow tank. “I've decided,” he said, “that we are not going to use triple AAA. I think we can make it.”

Our original plan involved having one tow truck for the RV and one for the car so we could return the tow dolly. It did seem to be a huge complicated mess to do it that way. “Ok honey.” I said, and we started getting the RV ready for travel.

We were 9 miles west of Salina and we needed to get to the tow dolly rental place in Abilene. It was approximately 40 miles east. We needed to get to Exit 272 and we were starting around Exit 250. 22 exits away.

“Ok babe,” my husband said as he pulled out. I started praying. We need you Lord, this thing is going to die any minute.

It was a very rough ride. The engine was backfiring every time my husband let off the gas – so he kept his pedal to the metal so to speak.

“Pray!” My husband shouted.

“I'm praying!” I yelled back.

It was like a spiritual battle was taking place over the RV. I shouted encouragement to my husband. Exit 260! Exit 270! 7 miles to Abilene! Next Exit! 

Phew! The hard part was over.

I had written down instructions from the exit to the rental return and then from the rental return to the RV park we were hoping to stay at. The sweet guy at the rental place said, “Nah – you don't want to go there. You want to go to (redacted)'s RV park. That guy is awesome, I take my kids there all the time. If you have any trouble at all you tell them that (redacted) sent you.”

It was liberating to have the car back. They let us park the RV there temporarily so we could take the car and find the RV park. I could see the map in my mind but I didn't have the directions with me. It was a straight shot down from the rental place – I should be able to find it. Lol! All the way down this road and then all the way down the next road. We finally located it and had a good time checking the lay of the land. They are really big fans of greyhound dogs here. They even have a greyhound dog racing track that we thought we would go to sometime.

The RV park did not have a long term spot for us. We decided to check out (redacted)'s place. We asked at the gas station if anyone knew where (redacted)'s RV park was? A lady who was a customer said she lived near there and it was off Exit 281. Ouch.

10 more exits. I was relieved that I was just following my husband and not inside the RV in the thick of battle. I was still praying for him though.

(Redacted)'s RV park was very nice. We had to sign a lease for at least 4 months. It sounds like we will be wintering here in Kansas. The sweet guy at the rental place had told me that I would really like Kansas because they have 4 distinct seasons. It was 96 degrees here today. I can say I'm looking forward to autumn and what the Lord has in store for us.

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