Sunday, January 29, 2023

Got Eggs?

So one of the new headlines over at Gateway Pundit documents the continuing destruction of the food supply:

Massive Fire Mysteriously Occurs At Egg Farm In Connecticut

There is nothing mysterious about it. This is deliberate sabotage and is happening all too frequently lately. But it is getting worse because now the enemy is targeting people's backyard chickens by tainting the chicken feed and causing the chickens to stop laying. The Good Citizen has a well documented write up about it which includes tweets from people who have been directly affected by it:

Laying Eggspiracy Theories

Those people should get a class action lawsuit together and sue the producers of the tainted chicken feed. Probably won't happen, sad to say.

Some good news – The Bitter Centurion is back! You can read his excellent posts here:

Glad to see you back JL!

Buy eggs while you can my friends. Take care out there.



Cederq said...

Actually I see it as a win, the destruction of national and large regional food processors. Yes, I know it effects our food supplies and will cause hardship. Like nature, people starving abhors a vacuum and you will see local sources start springing up to serve the local communities. It will break the food monopolies that own not only the processors, but the mega farms and seed plants. Local suppliers won't be as apt to contaminate our (GMO)foods and factory genetic manipulated seeds to only produce that crop and then will not reseed. Think foundation and heirloom seed stocks. better taste, better nutrition. It will be behavioral change that will benefit our health. I believe all the crap these factories contaminate the food with is wholly unhealthy and has led to diseases and conditions that were unheard of a hundred and fifty years ago. It certainly has led to higher rates of cancer, autism, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders unheard before them and/or very rare.

wendyworn said...

maybe - i hope you are right