Thursday, January 19, 2023

Genuinely Curious part Two

Reader Steve left a very good comment on my recent “Genuinely Curious” blog post:

“That's why I NEVER answer posts that ask "what restaurant from your youth that is no longer available ". Or "what candy bar from your youth is no longer available ". Those are just inane questions that seem innocuous. BUT, I guarantee that some one catalogs the answers”

An excellent comment. It reminded me of a situation that happened to me several years ago when I lived and worked in Wyoming. One of my bosses had given me a $150 pre-paid Visa gift card for Christmas. This gift card was different from other gift cards I had gotten in the past because you had to go online and register it in order to activate it.

In the spirit of making sure I was who I said I was (to fight crime and fraud etc) it asked me a series of multiple choice questions.

One of the questions listed 4 different previous addresses I lived at and asked me at which address I lived with (name) who was my ex-husband. At the time, it had been 22 years since my divorce. I was shocked that this random website not only knew multiple addresses I had lived at, but knew which of those addresses I had lived at with my previous husband. It was especially spooky since I was married back before personal computers were even a thing.

So Steve was absolutely correct in his assessment. I lived in Wyoming over ten years ago when this occurred. I can just imagine the database they have on me now. So I highly recommend not giving the beast any of your personal information if you can help it. But, sad to say, they most likely already have it.

Take care out there


Cederq said...

Girl, you ain't whistling Dixie past the donuts shop! It is remarkable what info they have on you, and how far back. I had to answer something similar and it had an address from 40 years ago and I only lived there for 3 weeks for a training class for a medical procedure certification and had gotten a couple pieces of mail forwarded to me (never had a change of address) The only place that could have provided was my employer or USMail... I hadn't even used my credit card to book the short stay suite, the hospital paid for that and gave me an expense account. I knew back then not to use a credit card out of state and a strange city. When I order anything online, I use a prepaid Visa card and keep just enough on it to maintain and deposit beforehand what the cost of whatever I am buying. It is a scary world out there. Why I don't also take those innocuous surveys companies and hospital and government asks you to fill out to "improve" customer service BS, they use it to compile a profile on you... ya'll have a nice day and stay off a list.

wendyworn said...

that is ridiculous! unfortunately I was ignorant back in the day and didn't even think about how the info would be used. you would think that stuff was secure! but nope - that is what the internet was designed for - data mining. it is so very crazy!

Cederq said...

Good night Gracie...

Steve said...

Thank you so much for referencing my thoughts. I must have something going on in my life....both you and my wife agree with me!

Seriously, I have no doubt that all of those conspiracy theories are true. BUT, to get anyone to even attempt to look at both sides of the, that effort really messes folks up. The normalcy bias is so strong in the human genome!

One other thought. "WE" (normals) can see the absolute conquest of "our" country. "WE" want our country back posthaste.

But, when you consider how quickly the USA citizens acquiesced their rights during covid...I really am beginning to doubt that "WE" will ever see a return to what was promised us.

Yeah, yeah, doom and gloom is easy to pontificate about. "WE" just need to seriously begin the dialogue about how to get the "power" back and how to educate school kids about freedom.

So there you have it. A call to arms and a round table for discussion.

wendyworn said...

As far as educating school kids about freedom, people absolutely need to pull their children out of public schools and start teaching them at home. That is the ONLY way they will learn about freedom and what this country once was.

As far as getting our country back, that is a very good question. Short of arresting almost every member of our treasonous government including down to the local level and executing those who have actively sold our country out to the enemy, Im not sure we can get it back. While we were quietly living our lives, the enemy infiltrated every single government institution. Those of us who have tried to run for office or fix the system from the inside have failed miserably if not been actively sabotaged.

At this point, the only thing I can think of to do is civil disobedience. don't register for anything, dont fill out any forms that could be construed as contracts, don't buy any of the enemies products or shop at their stores, don't renew your driver's license or change your address. etc. It may already be to late to buy firearms. Other than that, I don't know.

Hope you are well Steve. Take care out there