Thursday, January 26, 2023

The Doomsday Clock isn't Real

Skimming through the headlines the last couple days, I couldn't help but read that a whopping 10 seconds have been shaved off the doomsday clock by that always undisputed group of “scientists”.

The doomsday clock first appeared in 1947 after the bombing of Hiroshima and has been updated every January since. According to the bastion of all truth Wikipedia -

“The clock's original setting in 1947 was seven minutes to midnight. It has since been set backward eight times and forward 17 times for a total of 25, the farthest from midnight being 17 minutes in 1991, and the nearest being 90 seconds, set on January 24, 2023”

The criteria for moving the hands on the clock are nuclear war and climate change. Both of which are bogus. It's just one more thing people can be afraid of. Ohhhh Nooooo – the clock is ticking! What a load of garbage. 



Cederq said...

Just another distraction! The clock itself doesn't mean anything. A way to install fear and panic on people far too easy to manipulate and cause a change not for your betterment but for theirs.

wendyworn said...


wendyworn said...

well said JL. Nice to see you - hope you are doing well. Miss your rants.

wendyworn said...

awesome! glad to have you back - I will definitely be checking it out

Cederq said...

HEY! Glad you are back JL! I missed you and you coherent, epic rants! Gonna post that on Bustednuckles.

greggBC said...

The so called clock is administered by bureaucrats. No actual scientists are involved. Kind of like global warming, Not a single climatologist has signed off on that.

wendyworn said...

I wish they would shut up about it LOL! thanks for commenting gregg