Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Laundry Horror Stories

Sundays are the best day for me to do laundry. I usually start around 6:30am and no one else is doing their laundry at that time. I have the place to myself. I walked down and started a load and then walked back. I set my timer. (I found my original timer after I bought two more. Now I have three! I should be good for now. Ha ha.)

When the timer went off I walked down to switch the loads. I was just grabbing some clothes from the washer and putting them in the dryer. So far uneventful until I went to put quarters in. Sitting on the coin push was this ENORMOUS bug casually waving it's antenna's at me. It looked like this:

Of course, in my mind at the time, it was this big:

I wasn't about to switch my load to another dryer. I was going to have to do battle with the bug. I have a screw top container that I use for my quarters and I used the lid to flip the bug off the coin push. He dropped somewhere between the wall and the side of the dryer. Sorry dude, you picked the wrong place to sit.

I never saw the bug again. Phew, laundry accomplished.

Take care out there. (watch for bugs)


Cederq said...

Oh, you would love Alabama, Jurassic bugs and banana spiders up to 2 inches long that weave enormous webs between the columns holding up your porch right at the steps and you can't see them and run in to them and you are doing the web dance trying to untangle your self from a very durable web and the spider is heading out to look over it's meal. Inch long carpenter bees buzzing in front of your eyes looking for a half inch hole to nest for the night, why your eyes? They are about 1/2 inch in diameter and that is what size hole they are seeking.

wendyworn said...

Ewww. No thank you!

Peteforester said...

We stopped in Orlando during my military transfer to Miami. My wife and sister in law went to the room while my son and I got the luggage. There in front of us was a bug as big as my hand. It was flat and looked like a leaf. I told my son not to tell his mother about that bug, that if she knew they existed she'd head straight beck to the West Coast! We came to find out later that Florida has 1001 natural ways of telling humans "YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. LEAVE!"

Justin_O_Guy said...

Okay,, a BUG! Reeee! I get it.. Out here I look at them as roommates. Some have to Die,,some get gathered up and tossed out the door. But ya glossed right over the timer.. C'mon, maaan,,
Where was it? Did you remember putting it there?

Your bug was kinda pretty.

Cederq said...

Wendy my dear, go look at BN today, I have something for you...

wendyworn said...

ha ha - I left you a comment