Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Outrage Fatigue

I heard about the opening ceremony debacle while listening to a podcast the other day. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have even known, much less cared that the 33rd Summer Olympics was going on. Of course it was satanic, these events always are. I suppose their tactics worked because everyone was “outraged” by the whole “mocking the Last Supper”, and it was all over the internet. It got everyone to look into it when nobody even cared about the summer games before that.

The irony is, Leonardo Da Vinci who painted the “Last Supper” was in the big club that we aren't part of and most likely originally painted it as a mockery of Jesus Christ and the significance of that event. So, this opening ceremony was actually a mockery of a mockery.

I, for one, am tired of these satanic antics and refuse to participate in their manufactured outrage. As long as they continue to get away with this sort of production, they will continue to push this stuff in our face. I just don't have time for it anymore.

Hope you all are well. Take care out there.


Cederq said...

People ask me if I have seen the latest outrage and I tell 'em, no, not really. I have heard tidbits of blogs mentioning it but not the actual "news" Hell, I get the same reaction when they ask me if I saw broadcast TV and a particular show or segment. My answer is always no, I don't have a cable or antenna hooked up. Just a TV for watching classic westerns and non-message(woke) movies. I will not be programmed by programming...

wendyworn said...

I only notice if all the blogs and websites I go to are talking about it. that is usually an indicator that it is a psyop of some sort.

Justin_O_Guy said...

It's number33? Well,, that calls for a second scoop of satanic crap.