Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday the 13th

On a Friday the 13th, years ago before I met him, my husband worked as a garbage man in North Carolina. He had been working at the recycling center all day and was nearing the end of his shift. He was having an exceptionally good day that day.

A co-worker approached him to see if he wanted some overtime and ride along with him in his garbage truck. My husband enthusiastically said yes. As they were driving back to the shop, a sports car came out of nowhere heading straight for them. The driver swerved to avoid it. My husband was thrown from the vehicle and the garbage truck landed on its side, right on top of his leg. My husband knew that his life was about to change forever.

He tells the story about the excruciating pain he was experiencing and that there was a good chance he was going to die. He says he reached his hand down to check his junk and see if it was going to be worth living. The family jewels were unharmed. Phew.

He was under that truck for two and half hours, awake and aware the whole time. The firemen and ambulance showed up, and they were going to use balloons to lift the truck off his leg. When the balloons started to inflate, he felt a rush of blood go out of him. He cried, “I'm going to bleed out!” They knew he was right and had to lower the truck back down on his leg in order to stop him from bleeding to death.

The life flight helicopter took him to the hospital where he had two surgeries and 9 liters of blood. He lost his leg. That was 15 years ago this July.

The Lord saved his life that day. My husband sometimes talks about how, if it hadn't been for him losing his leg, he never would have met me. He also believes that he wouldn't have known the Lord either. It was a horrible tragedy, but, without it, he wouldn't be the believer in Christ that he is today. All things work for good, according to God's plan.

Take care out there.

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