Monday, May 23, 2022

Heaping Coals

I was reminded recently, while listening to a podcast (sorry I don't remember which one) that we should be praying for our enemies. Praying for our enemies heaps coal upon their heads. We are also supposed to love our enemies. Wow, we don't often think about that. We are supposed to pray for our leadership in government (who are also our enemies at the moment) that we can live peaceable lives. We can also pray against the plots and plans of the enemy.

The adversary wants us to forget that we have power and authority over him in Jesus' name. We are not helpless in this battle. We are not wrestling with flesh and blood, but principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.

The devil and his earthly minions have declared openly their evil plans against us. We should be praying daily against the things we read and hear in the news. God is not sleeping during this time. He is getting His people ready (us) for the battles ahead.

Exercise your authority in Jesus and get in the battle spiritually. We are to gird our loins with the armor of God. Pray always.

Take care out there.

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