Thursday, May 12, 2022


Wow. I take a week off and all hell breaks loose. I have been busy with work and running a household. Finally got a chance to do some spring-cleaning and able to cross some stuff off my list. Since I've been gone the following has happened:

  • The computers that my father-in-law bought us two years ago literally both died at noon last Thursday. It was like someone hit a button somewhere and both my computer and my husband's became unusable. My husband even did an out of the box restart and it didn't fix the problem. I am using my old computer with the broken hinge. We had to buy a new computer for my husband. The 30 odd twitter accounts I was following have all been suspended and so have most of the you-tube channels. But the idea of censorship is just a big conspiracy theory dontcha know.

  • A fake leak from the traitorous Supreme Court concerning R v W occurred and within minutes the bought and paid for Mobs R Us descended on Washington with their ready made signs screaming like banshees. It is all scripted and all fake (like everything else). This just gives them an excuse to bomb pro-life buildings and attack churches. And right before Mother's Day. Nice. I did read an article about how a bunch of parishioners in LA stood up against them. Good for them.

  • They are actively destroying the food supply everywhere as we speak. They are killing chickens and turkeys by the Millions. Buy chicken and eggs while you can. Over 40 food processing plants have been suspiciously taken out of commission. Not to mention the farms and the cows and all things edible. They are actively bragging about the coming famine that they are implementing. Evil Douchebags.

I don't have time to cover all the other lies and propaganda coming out on a daily basis. Babylon Bee came out with what was suppose to be satire – but it just was too close to the truth that I was horrified

Moloch Warns Of Looming Child Sacrifice Supply Chain Issues

Gas is over $4 a gallon here in Kansas – and rising. We have very dark days ahead of us. Press into the Lord with all your heart. Pray for our country. Don't lose hope, the Lord will fight for us. All the evil is being exposed. It is all coming to a head.

Take care out there.

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