Friday, May 20, 2022

Up Next: Zoo Variants

My tolerance for bovine excrement is already pretty low, so this is really stretching it. They ran out of greek letters for all their subvariants, and people weren't really buying it anymore. So now it is time to bring out the zoo animals.

Well, they used the “bird flu” to kill all the chickens and turkeys. Now we have monkeypox and soon to be leopard pox? OMG – give me a break! Will that just be an excuse to slaughter all the zoo animals, in case people get really hungry? Just because it is all fake and ghey doesn't mean the evil overlords won't use it. A. They think you are stupid and B. They want you dead.

Stop complying! Stock up on food, water and gas while you can still afford it.

I'm sure lions, tigers and bears are next. Oh My!

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