Saturday, June 11, 2022

Picking Your Battles


(I interrupt the ongoing downfall of Western Society to bring you a brief comic interlude. Enjoy)

Since everyone I work with works from home, my manager put up a chat box that we can talk about whatever – sort-of a replacement for regular office chit-chat.

Most of the stuff that is discussed in our little chat are things I have absolutely no interest in – if not 100% of the opposite opinion.

My co-workers talk about crime series they are binge watching, sports, food etc. One conversation was concerning how everyone took advantage of ordering their free at home covid tests delivered to their door. I would have liked to comment on some of these subjects, but I know it would start a fairly major shit-storm, so most of the time my input is on the work related topics only. That is, until yesterday.

There is one girl who starts most of the discussions. (Now, mind you, I really like this girl. She knows everything about the job and has been very helpful to me since I have been working there.) But, I am usually diametrically opposed to almost everything she is has to say. So late in the afternoon yesterday, she decided to talk about the car that was ahead of her in the burger king drive through.

“You know those half trucks from the sixties? I don't remember what they are called. Well, this one was loud and belching smoke. They have always been so ugly – I hate them.” she typed into chat. A couple people agreed with her as per usual. She went on for a bit and then finally posted a picture.

“El Camino” I responded.

“yes!” she typed back. Then she went on and on some more about how much they sucked. Here was my chance.

“I love them. My husband had one when I first met him.” I said with a little smile emoji.

Four other people clicked on and said they liked them too. Ha – that was the end of THAT conversation. It's the little victories you have to appreciate.

Enjoy your Saturday.


Cederq said...

I used to have a Ford Ranchero, a half truck based on the 60's Falcon. Had a six cylinder engine and got decent gas mileage. Wish I still had that...

wendyworn said...

yeah - we had to sell the El Camino a couple years ago and did not get what it was worth out of it. It was a gas guzzler tho. My husband tells me I still owe him a car! lol